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Do not understand how to create snippets with variables

I do not understand how to enter code for snippets with variable names. I create a new snippet and I get aan empty window in the editor. From there I would like to enter the code for a new test: def test_file_variable(self): string =

res = dstring_parse(string)
display_PathPoints(res, variable)

shouldbe = [

self.assertEqual(res, shouldbe)

I need a variable name instead of variable How can I do this?

piscvau's avatar
asked 2020-08-25 04:35:43 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2020-08-25 08:32:44 -0500
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1 Answer


The syntax is %(name|type|default)s and the type and default are optional. Examples:


You can also use environment variable references for the defaults:


The documentation for this is at and there are examples in the default set of snippets in the Snippets tool.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2020-08-25 08:35:08 -0500, updated 2020-08-25 08:35:28 -0500
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Hello Please excuse me but I still do not understand and I am afraid I need more details. I did look into the documentation and the examples but it did not help. For example if I look at the 'from' snippet I see: |m|from %(module)s import |!| I see there a variable named module but I have not idea about what |m| and |!| is about. Coming back to my need for a snippet about a test, is I put %(name)s in the name of the function after def, I get a syntax error

piscvau's avatar piscvau (2020-08-26 04:36:16 -0500) edit

|m| tells Wing to match the indent of the context when placing the snippet and |!| is the final resting place of the caret after data entry for the snippet is complete. These and the other syntax options are described in the documentation at

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2020-08-26 08:24:36 -0500) edit
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