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Format date in file snippet

When using :


I get


when instead use:


I get

09/23/24 16:15:33

How can I get rid of the quotation marks in the "date" example above?

simbalsyd's avatar
asked 2024-09-23 09:19:01 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2024-09-23 16:02:42 -0500
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Do you have an environment variable __DATE_FORMAT__ defined? If so, it may be that it contains the quotes. The default if this env is not set is to use %x, and in any case we're calling time.strftime() with that format, so time.strftime('%x') by default. I did just test this here and works (no quotes added) with Wing 10.0.6 using %(created|date)s. It vaguely sounds like a bug we once fixed, but I didn't find it in the changes for anything since Wing 7 so my memory of that may be from a long time ago.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-09-23 09:31:04 -0500) edit
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1 Answer


You are completely right. For some reason I have the following environment variable


I am not sure why I have it. I changed it to


Now it works as I want it.

I have a feeling that it used to not add the quotation marks but for me it doesn't matter now.


simbalsyd's avatar
answered 2024-09-23 12:26:41 -0500
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