Debugger - hover over symbol not working

For the last few days the debugger is not working quite as expected for me.

When I set a breakpoint and run the script, I put my mouse over the variable and then...nothing happens. Previously when I would mouse over an object the data would be displayed.

I can interact with the variables in the debug console by typing print(value) or type(value) - all that kind of stuff, but when I try to see what attributes an object has by writing object. in the debugger or in the main file, I am not able to see those attributes. I can access them if I know that they are there but otherwise can't get a view on the whole thing.

I checked preferences > debugger and 'hover over symbols' is enabled.

What else can I try to get those awesome features back?

Thanks for your help.

irisd's avatar
asked 2021-02-08 18:40:29 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2021-03-23 19:51:45 -0500
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Does it work if you first click on the name so the editor caret is in it and then hover? Please let me know of that helps or not. In the interim, please note that you can always see the variables/globals/etc in the Stack Data tool and you can Shift-Space to force popup of all the visible values on the current editor.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2021-02-09 07:51:26 -0500) edit

I am so sorry that I did not see this response until now! Thank you so much for responding. Clicking the name so that the edit caret is in and hovering mouse does not produce the hover window unfortunately. I am using the debug console and stack data and shift-space - also awesome tools! But I miss my easy access hover.
I tried reverting to the last Wing release, but it did not work to get the hover back. I also tried disabling and then reenabling. Still no joy. I hope it comes back some how! If you figure it out or have any ideas, let me know, will keep trying. Thanks so much for your response, I must have missed the email alert!

irisd's avatar irisd (2021-03-23 16:19:46 -0500) edit

Please send in a bug report from the Help menu after replicating the bug. Be sure to include the error log where prompted. I'm hoping that will show us what is going wrong, or at least it'll tell us the details of your platform and settings, which are probably relevant. Thanks!

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2021-03-23 19:53:44 -0500) edit
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