Errors while Using wingdbstub.py and Docker

My question is similar to what is stated https://ask.wingware.com/question/162...

And this is one of the root causes of such error. I followed through on the explanations at https://ask.wingware.com/question/162... and this is what I am getting

'Error accessing file "/root/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sitecustomize/wingdebugpw": FileNotFoundError(2, \'No such file or directory\')'

chukwudi.nwachukwu's avatar
asked 2021-02-11 16:09:21 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2021-02-12 07:28:06 -0500
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1 Answer


What Wing version do you have? I think the situation is different in Wing 6, which is what the user had in the above-referenced question.

One thing to try to see if it fixes the immediately problem: Copy the file wingdebugpw from your Settings Directory (listed 6th in Wing's About box) into the sitecustomize directory.

Another idea is to try the early access release of Wing 8 at https://wingware.com/wingide/early because it adds support for Docker that automates more of the setup and use. See the Docker How-To in the How-Tos listed in Wing 8's Help menu for details.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2021-02-12 07:27:53 -0500
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