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Tutorial : debugging

I tam stuck in the tutorial at the debugging part in the file I set the breakpoint at "return 5" line as indicated I click on the green arrow but the debugger does not stop at the breakpoint. Instead it indicates in the line at the bottom of the screen : "debug process exited not listening". What is the problem?

piscvau's avatar
asked 2019-04-06 06:09:52 -0500
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1 Answer


The file was not saved after the additions made in the preceding part of the tutorial!....

piscvau's avatar
answered 2019-04-06 07:03:29 -0500
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Yes, that would be a problem. Did Wing not ask to save the file before debugging?

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2019-04-06 09:24:31 -0500) edit

Hello Honestly I do not remember. May be I overlooked it because I had not imagined that the modifications would be used later on in the tutorial. Explicitly mentioning to save in the tutorial might help.

piscvau's avatar piscvau (2019-04-06 12:11:16 -0500) edit

OK, very likely it asked to save but you didn't for some reason. We'll try to improve the tutorial. Thanks for reporting that you ran into this.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2019-04-08 09:17:31 -0500) edit
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