Request: set multiple breakpoints from within the Uses tool

It would be good if there was a facility to set multiple breakpoints from within the Uses tool.

  1. Select a variable in the code editor, and invoke Find points Of Use
  2. Select multiple source lines in the Uses panel resulting from step #1
  3. Use proposed option to set breakpoints for all lines selected in step #2
BarryM's avatar
asked 2022-02-24 19:32:08 -0500
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2 Answers


This is a good idea and we'll try to do it. I think it could also allow things like setting a bookmark on the selected lines, etc. A use case I could immediately benefit from would be combining setting bps with being able to constrain the Find Uses results to only places that the symbol is set to a new value, if we can add that as well. Thanks for the suggestion.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2022-02-25 11:16:51 -0500
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A use case I could immediately benefit from would be combining setting bps with being able to constrain the Find Uses results to only places that the symbol is set to a new value, if we can add that as well.

That was the Use Case I was thinking of also. Your suggested addition would be really good.

An alternate plan of attack could be to add a "break when value changes" option to Watched items. Although that covers less Use Cases than the original suggestion.

BarryM's avatar
answered 2022-02-25 21:59:23 -0500
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