update check


I am using a local proxy to connect to the internet. Using the same proxy configuration Wing IDE 6 update works fine, but Wing IDE 7 fails, as listed below.

As far as I can see this is a problem with Wing IDE 7 as proxy config is not all that difficult to understand, but I am always open to the possibility that I just don't know enough to make something work :-)

Does anyone have any ideas how to debug this more or options to try and make the getaddrinfo work?

Cheers Mark

wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:17 - Starting update check...
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 - Fill is true but expand is false in pack
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 - Runtime failure details:
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 - Exception: "<class 'urllib2.URLError'>"
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 - Value = '<urlopen error [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo failed>'
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 - Traceback:
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\Program Files\Wing Pro 7.0\bootstrap\wing.py", line 242, in <module>
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -     startwing.Main(argv, importer, err_list)
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\src\ide/bin/ide-2.7/src\startwing.pyo", line 957, in Main
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\src\ide/bin/ide-2.7/src\startwing.pyo", line 685, in Run
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\src\ide/bin/ide-2.7/src\startwing.pyo", line 680, in start
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\src\ide/bin/ide-2.7/src\main.pyo", line 168, in main
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\src\ide/bin/ide-2.7/src\wingide\wingapp.pyo", line 816, in Run
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\src\ide/bin/ide-2.7/src\guimgr\guimanager.pyo", line 1204, in RunGUI
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\src\ide/bin/ide-2.7/src\guiutils\qt_utils.pyo", line 1513, in main
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\src\ide/bin/ide-2.7/src\wingide\updatemgr.pyo", line 243, in __CB_Step
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\src\ide/bin/ide-2.7/src\wingide\updatemgr.pyo", line 223, in __CB_Step
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\src\ide/bin/ide-2.7/src\wingide\updatemgr.pyo", line 306, in __Iteration
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\src\ide/bin/ide-2.7/src\wingutils\urlutils.pyo", line 51, in safe_urlopen
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\Program Files\Wing Pro 7.0\bin\__os__\win32\runtime-python2.7\lib\urllib2.py", line 154, in urlopen
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -     return opener.open(url, data, timeout)
wing - 2019/04/29 11:42:41 -   File "C:\Program Files\Wing Pro 7.0\bin\__os__\win32\runtime-python2.7\lib\urllib2.py", line ...
markw's avatar
asked 2019-04-29 07:11:28 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2019-04-29 08:35:17 -0500
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1 Answer


I think I see the problem. Wing 7 switched to always using https and the proxy setup is only being done for http. We'll try to fix this in the next update.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2019-04-29 09:45:15 -0500
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There is a tickbox to de/select HTTPS when connecting to wingware.com in Wing 7 and I have tried selected and not but the connection fails in both cases. If Wing 7 ignores this tickbox and always connects using HTTPS then it would be a good idea to remove this tickbox too.

markw's avatar markw (2019-05-01 02:06:12 -0500) edit

It looks like it should be working to substitute in http for https when that option is unchecked, but perhaps there is some other problem. I didn't go into the Python code yet but it's possible that I was wrong above and that installing proxy info for http and covers https. If so, it may be the second answer in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4... is relevant -- namely, that on Windows it's ignoring our proxy setup and using different settings from IE or the OS. If so, it may be that defining http_proxy=http://userid:pswd@proxyurl.com:port in the system env and restarting Wing will solve it.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2019-05-01 08:49:09 -0500) edit
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