How to select current word at cursor?

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In pycharm i use CTRL-W a lot, my cursor is standing at a word, I press CTRL-W it gets selected so i can rename it or delete it immediately.

I am looking in the documentation here for Wing IDE:


I really can't find it how to do this correctly in Wing? The closest I can find is CTRL-ALT-B but this then renames all the locations in the file with that name while CTRL-W on pycharm is just the one at the cursor.


YSS's avatar
asked 2022-05-25 04:23:34 -0500
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1 Answer


This can be done with Ctrl-UpArrow. Pressing that repeatedly selects more and surrounding the current location. Pressing Ctrl-DownArrow selects less again.

Those and some other selection operations are in the Edit > Select menu. You'ld want to set key bindings for those that you use. The command names are select-* or next-* and previous-* for the next/previous selection operations. You should be able to browse from the completer shown for command names from the User Interface > Keyboard > Custom Key Bindings preference.

Sorry, indeed the command naming here isn't great and the docs at https://wingware.com/doc/commands/edit contain too much to be easy to use. We'll try to improve that aspect of it, probably by listing the command names in https://wingware.com/doc/edit/selecting and explaining how to set bindings for them.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2022-05-25 09:20:26 -0500, updated 2022-05-25 09:20:51 -0500
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Thanks, this works, also while I'm coding small scripts I press F5 a lot but how can I jump back into my file? The focus staysin the output window after the script has run but then i have to grab my mouse again to click in the file, is there a hotkey to put the focus back in the file? I can't find it, sorry for the questions and thanks for help.

YSS's avatar YSS (2022-05-25 10:48:24 -0500) edit

Pressing Esc should move focus back into the editor. You may also want to check what selections you have in the Debug I/O tool's Options menu, in case you want to change when it is auto-shown.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2022-05-25 11:25:43 -0500) edit

Thanks ESC works great, no idea why I could not find this in the documentation :-)

YSS's avatar YSS (2022-05-25 11:56:26 -0500) edit

In fact I can't seem to find it either. :-) We'll try to improve this by mentioning it where people might be looking for this information.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2022-05-25 14:09:13 -0500) edit
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