Wing ide start-up crash

Ive been using 5.1.12-1 ver. wing ide. It worked just fine but when I tried out 6.0.4-1 ver on my computer, it crashes everytime I run the program.I can't find a way to fix this problem. I tried to redownload and reinstall the program but didnt work.

"C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\wing 101 6\ide" file says the following everytime i run the program  

wingide - 2017/04/05 22:55:42 - ================================================================================
wingide - 2017/04/05 22:55:43 - Wing 101 version is 6.0.4 build 1wingide - 2017/04/05 22:55:43 - kWingHome set to C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE 101 6.0
wingide - 2017/04/05 22:55:43 - kUserWingDir set to C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Wing 101 6wingide - 2017/04/05 22:55:43 - kDefaultCacheDir set to C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Wing 101 6wingide - 2017/04/05 22:55:43 - Setting Qt Style to None... success
wingide - 2017/04/05 22:55:43 - ('Inspect failed', UnicodeDecodeError('utf8', 'c:\\users\\\xbd\xc5\xb0\xe6\xc8\xaf\\appdata\\local\\temp\\', 9, 10, 'invalid start byte'), None, '')
wingide - 2017/04/05 22:55:43 - ('Inspect failed in inspect_complete', (<type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'>, UnicodeDecodeError('utf8', 'c:\\users\\\xbd\xc5\xb0\xe6\xc8\xaf\\appdata\\local\\temp\\', 9, 10, 'invalid start byte'), <traceback object at 0x05CA0D50>))
wingide - 2017/04/05 22:55:43 - Fatal startup error: Exiting Wing

I have tried the exe file at C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE Personal 5.1\bin\console_wing and the cmd (im not sure) said something like   

wingide - 2017/04/05 22:13:56 - ('Inspect failed', UnicodeDecodeError('utf8', 'c:\\users\\\xbd\xc5\xb0\xe6\xc8\xaf\\appdata\\local\\temp\\', 9, 10, 'invalid start byte'), None, '') 
wingide - 2017/04/05 22:13:56 - ('Inspect failed in inspect_complete', (<type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'>, UnicodeDecodeError('utf8', 'c:\\users\\\xbd\xc5\xb0\xe6\xc8\xaf\\appdata\\local\\temp\\', 9, 10, 'invalid start byte'), <traceback object at 0x063FBE18>)) 
wingide - 2017/04/05 22:13:56 - Fatal startup error: Exiting Wing

So i know that it's crashing with some kinda error message but I don't know what the problem is and how to fix this especially when the older version worked just fine.

thanks for reading and helping me :)

ᄋᄉᄋ 's avatar
asked 2017-04-05 10:17:00 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2019-03-13 10:19:44 -0500
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sorry if my english is not so fluent :( It's not my first tongue....anyways thanks for the help!

ᄋᄉᄋ 's avatar ᄋᄉᄋ (2017-04-05 10:22:00 -0500) edit

Is there a traceback printed after the  Fatal startup error: Exiting Wing line?  If so, could you send it to ?

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2017-04-05 11:16:00 -0500) edit

sure thanks :)

ᄋᄉᄋ 's avatar ᄋᄉᄋ (2017-04-05 11:20:00 -0500) edit
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