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Docker: When does wing use build script?

I'm experimenting with Wing's docker integration, and I see that when I create a new project using docker, wing creates a file that builds a docker image when executed. I see that this script is set in the "Specify Build Script:" field of the container options screen.

What I don't understand though, is when Wing uses this script. I assume it does so when the project is initially created, but if I delete the image and restart the python shell (or wing), the image isn't rebuilt. So, when does wing execute this script itself, and when should I execute it?

Tmr's avatar
asked 2023-02-07 18:48:03 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2023-02-10 07:58:19 -0500
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It is used during project creation if a container is created along with the project, and you can also re-run it by right-clicking on the container in the Containers tool and selecting Rebuild Container.

It only needs to be re-run if the container configuration changes. It is not normally needed if you are just editing source files or other things that are mapped into the container, since those are usually mapped with a file share and immediately update on the running container.

However, it is possible to configure containers to copy and not map directories into the container, and in that case you would have to rebuild and restart the container to get things to update. But Wing doesn't create the containers that way.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2023-02-08 08:08:12 -0500
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Thanks! I didn't know about the Containers tool. I see it mentioned now on the new containers documentation

Tmr's avatar Tmr (2023-02-08 13:51:08 -0500) edit
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