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General: Unavailable Commands: debug-hide-value-tips

I'm using Wing Pro In debug mode, when I hit Shift + Space, the tooltip cannot be activated, as shown below:

image description

Any tips for solving this problem?

Regards, Zhao

updated 2024-02-22 08:15:01 -0600
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3 Answers


I've sent the report once more.

hongyi-zhao's avatar
answered 2024-03-08 18:04:47 -0600
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Thanks for sending in the bug report. The answer is that you need to disable the obscure and apparently broken Debugger > Advanced > Animate Debug Data Tooltips preference and then it should work. Please let us know if not.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2024-02-26 08:12:24 -0600
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Thank you. It works now.

hongyi-zhao's avatar hongyi-zhao (2024-02-26 18:36:24 -0600) edit
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I see that also sometimes but the debug value tool tips are still showing up and hiding as they should. If you are not seeing the tool tips appear, could you please let us know?

We'll look into why this is showing the error message, apparently due to processing the key release event twice. Thanks for reporting this.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2024-02-22 09:15:42 -0600
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I don't see the tooltip coming up at all.

hongyi-zhao's avatar hongyi-zhao (2024-02-22 18:56:28 -0600) edit

Try doing Edit > Command by Name and then type describe-key-briefly, press Enter, and then press and release Shift-Space and then press Enter. Is this bound to a set of commands that starts with debug-show-value-tips? If not, that is the problem and the key may be redefined in a custom key binding.

If that is OK then I'm not sure what to try but it may make sense to just bind this functionality to another key using the User Interface > Keyboard > Custom Key Bindings preference. For example, you could bind Shift-F7 to the following commands:

debug-show-value-tips, debug-hide-value-tips

Then pressing Shift-F7 once will show the tips and pressing that again will hide it. The default binding of Shift-Space is designed to hide them again when you release the keys; if something is going wrong with that for some reason, then the above approach should still work.

Note that the ... (more)

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-02-22 19:33:07 -0600) edit
  1. "Try doing Edit > Command by Name and then type describe-key-briefly, press Enter, and then press and release Shift-Space and then press Enter. Is this bound to a set of commands that starts with debug-show-value-tips?"

It shows the following: Line 51 Col 10 - [User] Shift-Space is bound to debug-show-value-tips(release toggle=True); send-keys(keys=" ")

  1. "If that is OK then I'm not sure what to try but it may make sense to just bind this functionality to another key using the User Interface > Keyboard > Custom Key Bindings preference. For example, you could bind Shift-F7 to the following commands:

debug-show-value-tips, debug-hide-value-tips"

I tried this, but it still doesn't take effect.

hongyi-zhao's avatar hongyi-zhao (2024-02-22 23:37:18 -0600) edit

Could you please try running to a breakpoint, trying Shift-Space, and then right after it fails send in a bug report from Wing's Help menu? Please include the error log, which I hope will provide us with some clues as to what is going wrong. Thanks!

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-02-23 15:19:39 -0600) edit

I've sent the bug report according to your above guidance.

hongyi-zhao's avatar hongyi-zhao (2024-02-23 22:28:11 -0600) edit

I upgrade to the latest version now, and the problem occurs again. Furthermore, there is no Debugger > Advanced > Animate Debug Data Tooltips option now.

I have sent another bug report.

hongyi-zhao's avatar hongyi-zhao (2024-03-08 05:43:54 -0600) edit

The preference was removed because it never worked and, as far as I can tell, just accidentally left in. The code now hardwires the case of not animating the popups so I'm not sure how to explain that it is broken again. Could you please try Shift-Space where it's not working and then immediately submit a bug report from the Help menu with the error log included?

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-03-08 09:23:37 -0600) edit

I have sent the bug report again.

hongyi-zhao's avatar hongyi-zhao (2024-03-08 18:35:47 -0600) edit

Thanks. Unfortunately I'm not seeing anything in the log so am unsure why it's failing. I did see you have Shift-F7 mapped to showing/hiding the tooltips. Does that work? Note that you should be able to Do Shift-F7 to show then and if you click anywhere, scroll, or change focus the tips should auto-hide now, so that may be a decent work-around.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-03-08 21:44:57 -0600) edit

Very Strange. After I reboot the computer, Shift + Space can work now. I don't know why. P.S. I removed the Shift-F7 binding to the feature discussed here.

hongyi-zhao's avatar hongyi-zhao (2024-03-08 22:28:54 -0600) edit
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