Wing Fails to start Remote Debugger on RPI4 Bookworm 32bit (using VENV on RPI)

Please see info below.. Thanks for the help, Gregg

Got this in a Dialog box in WING IDE...

The debug process never connected back to Wing: Aborting debug session. See Trouble-shooting Failure to Debug in the product manual.

And got this in the Messages in WING IDE...

Debugger: Connection Failed::The debug process never connected back to Wing:  Aborting debug session.  See Trouble-shooting Failure to Debug in the product manual.

And got this in the Python Shell in WING IDE...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 352, in <module>
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 242, in _FindTracer
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 311, in _LoadModule
ImportError: Failed to find spec for tdbgtracer311 in /home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 140, in <module>
    from debug.tserver import startdebug
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 341, in load_module
    mod = self._LoadWingCode(full_name, full_path, is_pkg)
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 498, in _LoadWingCode
    return self._ExecMod(mod_name, compile_filename, co, is_pkg)
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 532, in _ExecMod
    exec(co, mod.__dict__)
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 17, in <module>
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 341, in load_module
    mod = self._LoadWingCode(full_name, full_path, is_pkg)
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 498, in _LoadWingCode
    return self._ExecMod(mod_name, compile_filename, co, is_pkg)
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 532, in _ExecMod
    exec(co, mod.__dict__)
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 19, in <module>
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 341, in load_module
    mod = self._LoadWingCode(full_name, full_path, is_pkg)
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 498, in _LoadWingCode
    return self._ExecMod(mod_name, compile_filename, co, is_pkg)
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 532, in _ExecMod
    exec(co, mod.__dict__)
  File "/home/aaa/.wingpro9/remote-", line 375, in <module>
ImportError: Failed to import tdbgtracer
greggs's avatar
asked 2024-03-21 11:54:19 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2024-03-21 21:54:33 -0500
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Could you send ~/.wingpro9/remote-agent.log file from the remote machine to ?

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-03-21 23:33:29 -0500) edit

Hi. I sent the requested log to

greggs's avatar greggs (2024-03-22 12:56:59 -0500) edit
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