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Every 3 to 5 min wing freezes up on me for 10 sec to a minute

every 3 to 5 min wing freezes up on me for 10 sec to min. like its thinking about somthing. the freeze can last around 10 sec to a min. even if i create a new empy project and new file. any idea what would cause this problem

Mayaenite's avatar
asked 2024-10-29 08:12:04 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2024-10-29 08:52:26 -0500
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1 Answer


We might be able to diagnose this from the error log, which is the file ide.log in the User Settings directory listed in Wing's About box. You can submit that to us with a bug report from Wing's Help menu, or just email us all or the relevant part (based on the time stamps). It would also be useful to know if you have the debugger active during the freeze and whether you're using AI, as those might be more likely to cause this.

Another thing you could try if this is at all predictable is to collect a profile across a freeze:

  • Use Edit -> Command By Name and enter: internal-profile-start
  • Let it freeze and unfreeze
  • Use Edit -> Command By Name and enter: internal-profile-stop
  • Then submit a bug report from Wing's help menu and check the box to include the error log

That might even work if you can't predict the freezes, if the CPU used during the freeze is large enough to overshadow what's used in the interim so that the relevant calls show up in the profile.

You can also bind a key or toolbar icon to those command names (use internal-profile-start,internal-profile-stop as the command name, one word with comma separation, to set up a toggle) in case that makes it easier to start/stop profiling.

Thanks very much for reporting this!

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2024-10-29 08:51:55 -0500
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ok i opened up the log file and i can tell you exattly where the issure is or at least when it happens. consistently every time i get a freeze the ide.log spits out this line.

wing - 2024/10/29 12:12:04 - Failed to obtain write lock for stats file: C:\Users\drew.loveridge\AppData\Roaming\Wing Pro 10\stats.log

i can still submit a bug report but with that info. anything strike a bell

Mayaenite's avatar Mayaenite (2024-10-29 11:28:15 -0500) edit

This is done once a minute and is probably just a coincidence, since it doesn't try to do anything else if it fails to write that file, and failing to write it is not a problem. Wing does a lot of things asynchronously so I wasn't yet able to narrow down what it might be. If you submit a bug report that will get us a list of your non-default preferences values, which could be useful in figuring out what is causing this and I might be able to suggest some other things to try.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-10-29 11:45:08 -0500) edit

ok will do

Mayaenite's avatar Mayaenite (2024-10-29 12:08:22 -0500) edit

For the record, this particular case was caused by files being on a network that was slow at times. Some types of file sharing networks can be very slow to provide file modification times, which are used by some of Wing's functionality. In general it's best to keep files on local disk whenever possible.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-11-05 07:52:04 -0500) edit
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