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testing tool looses django project when shifting from another project

When reopening my django project after having used a non django project. I cannot get my django tests back in the testing tool window. If i open and in the testing tool I click add current file, it does not get into the testing tool. I have django tests as default in the project properties and no pattern for selection.

piscvau's avatar
asked 2025-01-15 12:07:53 -0600
Wingware Admin's avatar
Wingware Admin
updated 2025-01-15 12:17:35 -0600
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If you still have something in the Filter field in top right of the Testing tool that might be hiding from the view.

Wingware Admin's avatar
Wingware Admin
answered 2025-01-15 12:19:25 -0600
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No I do not have anything in the filter windows. It appears to be a systematic problem when switching between projects one using djantests in the project properties the other one using unittest tests. when swtiching from non django project to django projet I do not see in the testing windows when switching from django project to non django project the project properties window show no regexp for the unittest tests. Things become normal if I get out of wing and reopen the project.

piscvau's avatar piscvau (2025-01-18 12:27:21 -0600) edit

What version of Wing is this? I've not been able to reproduce this here. It might help if you can email two of the projects that exhibit this bug to We'ld need both the files (.wpr and .wpu) for each project but nothing else.

Wingware Admin's avatar Wingware Admin (2025-01-20 08:06:38 -0600) edit
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