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Uninterrupted breakpoint hit counter

Today I was debugging a package that was parsing through a list (~150 items) that conditionally did something. It was acting up and I was trying to determine how many times a particular function was being called. It's trivial to put a breakpoint at the right place, and I see the "hits" column in the breakpoint panel. That's all well and good, but I need to mash the F5 button many dozens of times on each debug iteration and that's tedious. The "Ignores" feature of breakpoints unfortunately doesn't increment the hit counter. I could introduce a counter into the code, for sure, but it seems like Wing has everything I need with the exception of allowing me to not stop at a breakpoint but just count the number of times it was encountered.

Could this be a future feature? The introduction of a "hitcounter" type of breakpoint or watch?

Thanks, Anthony.

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AnthonyFloyd's avatar
asked Jan 17
Wingware Admin's avatar
Wingware Admin
updated Jan 20


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It does seem like we should just increment the hit count also when the breakpoint is reached but ignored. Obviously if you can estimate the number of hits you could set the ignore count on the breakpoint and add that to the hit count shown, but this has limited utility so for now I'd probably just alter the code in cases like this so it has a count available. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Wingware Admin's avatar
Wingware Admin
answered Jan 20


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