Dimitris's profile - activity
2019-06-28 10:20:38 -0500 | received badge | Student (source) |
2019-06-27 07:48:25 -0500 | marked best answer | Source Assistant info as PopUp and ToolBox on top Hello all, So I have two questions. I know about Source assistant with the info that it provides. So when I type a function in my editor, I can see in the source assistant window information about it, what the arguments are, any docstring, etc. Is there a way to have all that as a popup around the area I am currently typing? The second question is about the ToolBox. I currently have 3 monitors, in the middle I have my editor and then the rest are split left and right. I discovered the setting "Keep Window on Top" but that keeps the toolbox on top of other open applications, even if the main window of Wing (the one in the middle screen) is not highlighted/selected. Is there a way to overcome this? I forgot to mention that I am using the Wing Personal version. Thank you for reading me. DM |
2019-06-27 07:48:25 -0500 | received badge | Scholar ( source ) |
2019-06-27 06:45:18 -0500 | commented answer | Source Assistant info as PopUp and ToolBox on top Thank you for the reply. I am on windows 10. About the popup, do you think it's worth having it as a future feature? May |
2019-06-27 05:58:05 -0500 | received badge | Famous Question (source) |
2019-06-27 05:46:17 -0500 | received badge | Notable Question (source) |
2019-06-27 05:46:17 -0500 | received badge | Popular Question (source) |
2019-06-27 05:30:45 -0500 | asked a question | Source Assistant info as PopUp and ToolBox on top Source Assistant info as PopUp and ToolBox on top Hello all, So I have two questions. I know about Source assistant wit |