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2019-09-02 08:48:12 -0500 marked best answer Where is the self help section?

I tested print ("Go man go") on python 3.7.4 and it worked good But on wing

I went to the trouble of printing the message window after I pressed >debug >start/continue but I could not upload the picture, so sorry for the incipient question

There is no "secret code" on the tiny window that came up, so sorry I can not say more than something to do with the environment Then I pressed the question mark "?" top right and I got a small red circle with a red back slash through it, like it said you naughty man dont press my question mark.

Far out

2019-08-19 06:45:14 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2019-08-15 09:55:51 -0500 received badge Notable Question (source)
2019-08-14 01:43:04 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2019-08-11 19:02:38 -0500 asked a question Where is the self help section?

Where is the self help section? I tested print ("Go man go") on python 3.7.4 and it worked good But on wing I