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2022-02-20 14:28:50 -0500 marked best answer Searching in junction dir results in resolved path in results

In the "Search in Files" tab, when "Look in" is set to a directory that is a junction of a different directory on Windows, the results show from the resolved path instead of the file path relative to the junction directory.

To repo: 1. mkdir /j C:\someDir\someSubdir D:\myStuff\someSubdir_junction 2. Create a file with some text in the C:\someDir\someSubdir to search for. 3. In Wing, In the Search in Files tab, In Look In, set to "D:\myStuff\someSubdir_junction" 4. Search for the text in the file you added previously 5: See that the results show results with the C:\ paths, not the D: paths.

This causes issues when opening those files via double-clicking in the search results. It opens as an editor tab from the C-drive. When putting breakpoints in that editor window, if the D-drive paths are in PYTHONPATH or the env, those breakpoints don't get hit.

2022-02-20 14:28:44 -0500 received badge Notable Question (source)
2022-02-05 08:35:26 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2022-01-28 21:03:20 -0500 received badge Student (source)
2022-01-28 21:03:01 -0500 asked a question Searching in junction dir results in resolved path in results

Searching in junction dir results in resolved path in results In the "Search in Files" tab, when "Look in" is set to a d