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PeterWolf's profile - activity

2024-03-07 12:48:16 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2024-03-07 12:48:16 -0500 received badge Notable Question (source)
2024-03-07 12:48:16 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2022-11-05 10:07:50 -0500 marked best answer Restarting Python Shell not working with pyenv


I am trying to use pyenv with WingIDE Pro 7. I've used

import sys

and get the python executable path as


Then, I open the Project Properties dialog window and chose [Command Line] to put the executable python path in it.

After resting the Python Shell tab from [Options], it still gives me this message:

Cannot execute: use Options -> restart Shell to launch shell [Needs restart for Python env]

I've repeated the steps many times, but still cannot get my Python Shell working under WingIDE.

Please kindly advise what I can do. Many many thanks in advance. :)

-- Peter. w

2022-11-05 05:46:31 -0500 received badge Rapid Responder ( source )
2022-11-05 05:46:31 -0500 answered a question Restarting Python Shell not working with pyenv

Hello, thanks for the test and reply. I've managed to figured out a solution. I installed the Python 3.6.15, in my case

2022-11-04 07:56:13 -0500 received badge Student (source)
2022-11-04 07:50:22 -0500 asked a question Restarting Python Shell not working with pyenv

Restaring Python Shell not wroking with pyenv Hi, I am trying to use pyenv with WingIDE Pro 7. I've used import sys p