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Steve Holden's profile - karma

Steve Holden's karma change log

10 0 Does anyone know how to get Wing to run its debug process in an iTerm2 window on Mac OS? (2024-05-05 01:12:35 -0500)

10 0 Traceback is printed to Debug I/O window after exception reported. (2024-04-22 12:41:58 -0500)

15 0 Working around Mac OS X Catalina's restrictions? (2020-01-09 14:15:25 -0500)

0 -15 Working around Mac OS X Catalina's restrictions? (2020-01-07 13:16:06 -0500)

15 0 Working around Mac OS X Catalina's restrictions? (2020-01-07 12:53:55 -0500)

10 0 Working around Mac OS X Catalina's restrictions? (2020-01-04 08:34:05 -0500)