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Steve Holden's profile - activity

2024-05-05 01:12:35 -0500 received badge Student (source)
2024-05-04 10:59:28 -0500 edited question Does anyone know how to get Wing to run its debug process in an iTerm2 window on Mac OS?

Does anyone know how to get Wing ID to run its debug process in an iTerm2 window on Mac OS? I tried to follow the advice

2024-05-04 10:27:03 -0500 received badge Editor (source)
2024-05-04 10:27:03 -0500 edited question Does anyone know how to get Wing to run its debug process in an iTerm2 window on Mac OS?

Does anyone know how to get Wing ID to run its debug process in an iTerm2 window on Mac OS? I tried to follow the advice

2024-05-04 10:26:35 -0500 asked a question Does anyone know how to get Wing to run its debug process in an iTerm2 window on Mac OS?

Does anyone know how to get Wing ID to run its debug process in an iTerm2 window on Mac OS? I tried to follow the advice

2024-04-22 12:41:58 -0500 received badge Necromancer ( source )
2024-04-22 11:53:53 -0500 commented answer Traceback is printed to Debug I/O window after exception reported.

Apologies, I now realise I should have added this as a comment.

2024-04-22 11:52:53 -0500 answered a question Traceback is printed to Debug I/O window after exception reported.

I'm currently seeing this bug in (rev a76268badf6d). If it helps I'm raising an exception inside the scope of a

2020-01-04 08:34:05 -0500 received badge Teacher ( source )
2020-01-04 08:33:06 -0500 answered a question Working around Mac OS X Catalina's restrictions?

I've been using Catalina ofr some time and don't see these issues, which suggests to me they may be specific to your mac

2018-07-03 09:59:00 -0500 answered a question Wing101 v6 Watch Tab for MAC

I'm afraid you're right. The documentation on the debugger, which includes the watch feature, begins "Wing Pro's debugge

2018-07-02 05:30:00 -0500 answered a question why can't i open wingware?please help me!

Before anyone can tell you the answer to that question I'm afraid you will have to provide a more legible way for us to