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Raspberry Pi connection

Running (X)Ubuntu 18.04I wish to use my Wing application (Wing Pro 6.0.12-1) to debug programs on my Pi 3B+.

I have connected by SSH (no login) and can edit programs quite happily. (ssh login ssh pi@

I've also established sshfs file sharing.

I'm now trying to set up a debug link.

I've performed each operation up to the 'ssh reverse tunnel.

When I enter : ssh -N -R 50005:localhost:50005 pi@

the command hangs.

50005 is the port on my PC50050 is the port on the Pi

Not sure what to try next !

iainrs's avatar
asked 2018-07-27 15:24:00 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2019-03-13 10:21:27 -0500
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1 Answer


With Wing Pro you don't need sshfs or to set up an ssh tunnel manually.  The instructions for how to set up to develop on a Raspberry Pi are here: -- if you've gone through the steps in "Remote Development with Wing Pro" then you should just be able to open a file and debug it, same as if it were running on the local host.

See also for some details on remote development.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2018-07-27 15:42:00 -0500
Wingware Admin's avatar
Wingware Admin
updated 2019-03-06 22:49:30 -0500
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Thanks - RTFM (Read not browse !).

One reason I thought that it wasn't working was that I am running a set of programs for 'Hats' connected to the GPIO pins on the pi.

Most of these need to be run as 'root' and I was getting failures in the control modules. I'll investigate some more.

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/rpi_ws281x/", line 124, in begin
  raise RuntimeError('ws2811_init failed with code {0} ({1})'.format(resp, str_resp))
builtins.RuntimeError: ws2811_init failed with code -5 (mmap() failed)

Thanks for prompt reply and putting me back on the right path !

iainrs's avatar iainrs (2018-07-27 16:45:00 -0500) edit

You'll either need to set the Host Name in the Remote Host configuration to root@192168.0.37 or instead of starting debug from the IDE start it from the Rasp Pi command line w/ sudo and initiate debug with wingdbstub as described in

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2018-07-27 17:29:00 -0500) edit

Thanks  for all your help.

I have now worked out how to set up remote debugging as per can now selectively debug remote python programs running as root.

iainrs's avatar iainrs (2018-07-28 19:20:00 -0500) edit
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