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cannot start debugger ubuntu 1804


I am using a fresh copy of ubuntu 18.04 with python3 installed by default.

I have installed Wingpro for evaluation and I am following the tutorial.

When I try to start/continue the debugger like instructed in the tutorial, it fails with either of these messages:

Debugger: Debug process running; pid=23131; Not listening [39 modules loaded]
Debugger: Debug process exited; pid=23131; Not listening
Debugger: Connected to debug process; pid=23133; Not listening
Debugger: Debug process running; pid=23133; Not listening [0 modules loaded]
Debugger: Debug process exited; pid=23133; Not listening
Jean-Marie Galliot's avatar
Jean-Marie Galliot
asked 2018-10-15 09:46:00 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2019-03-13 10:23:36 -0500
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What are you trying to debug?  These messages indicate that the debug process started, connected to the IDE, and ran to completion.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2018-10-15 09:54:00 -0500) edit

Thank you. I did not realize this code was needed for the following of the tutorial, my mistake !

Jean-Marie Galliot's avatar Jean-Marie Galliot (2018-10-15 12:24:00 -0500) edit
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1 Answer


It looks like it's running your debug process to completion and then exiting.  Did you follow the earlier instructions in the tutorial to add more code?  Without that, the program does nothing and you would see the above behavior.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2018-10-15 09:54:00 -0500
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I see. I closed the IDE yesterday and did not save the changes.Thank you for your help!

Jean-Marie Galliot's avatar Jean-Marie Galliot (2018-10-15 12:22:00 -0500) edit
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