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Let wing automatically detect and set the filenames' number for the newly created file when saving them without overwrite the already exist ones.

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Currently, the newly created files by wing will be named as, but when I save it, if there is already the file with the same name existed there, it will suggest user to change the new file's name or overwrite the originally existed one. But I think why not let wing automatically detect and set the filenames' number for the newly created file when saving them without overwrite the already exist ones.


hongyi-zhao's avatar
asked 2020-04-15 02:50:23 -0500
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1 Answer


I'm not sure it's a good idea to save files named "' to disk. You might want to instead use Open from Keyboard in the File menu, or its keyboard equivalent (the command is open-from-keyboard in case you want to create your own binding).

This shows an keyboard-driven file selector area at the bottom of the window. Then you can type a more descriptive name for the new file, and this will create a new blank buffer bound to the selected name if no file already exists on disk. It doesn't get created on disk until the first time you save.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2020-04-15 10:05:32 -0500
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Thanks for this feature.

hongyi-zhao's avatar hongyi-zhao (2020-04-15 10:17:21 -0500) edit
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