Azure functions

Has anyone used Wingware to develop Microsoft Azure functions implemented in Python?

gknauth's avatar
asked 2020-07-15 16:48:47 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2020-07-16 09:45:52 -0500
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We haven't tried this here but from looking at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azur... I think it should be possible to debug locally run Azure functions by adding 'import wingdbstub' to the __init__.py as described in https://wingware.com/doc/debug/debugg... -- this allows you to initiate debug from outside of Wing, so is can be started when you do 'func start' and you could reach breakpoints and exceptions when you invoke the function from the browser.

It's possible you'll need to disable automatically handling exceptions in some way, so they appear in Wing and not Azure's built-in support for catching exceptions (which I'm assuming exists).

Also, it may be possible to see what 'func start' does internally and set up an entry point to just launch the code directly from the IDE.

Please don't hesitate to email support@wingware.com or post here if you try to set this up and have questions. We're happy to help.

answered 2020-07-16 09:45:22 -0500
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