
Failed to find spec for tdbgtracer37. What have I got wrong??

Error message:

ImportError: Failed to find spec for tdbgtracer37
Failed to find spec for tdbgtracer37_x64
While trying to load 'tdbgtracer37_x64' from 'c:\\program files (x86)\\wing ide personal 6.1\\bin\\dbg\\src\\debug\\tserver'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE Personal 6.1\bin\dbg\src\debug\tserver\findmodules.py", line 224, in _FindTracer
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE Personal 6.1\bin\dbg\src\debug\tserver\findmodules.py", line 325, in _LoadModule
ImportError: Failed to find spec for tdbgtracer37_x64
Failed to find spec for tdbgtracer37_x64
While trying to load 'tdbgtracer37_x64' from 'c:\\program files (x86)\\wing ide personal 6.1\\src\\debug\\tserver'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE Personal 6.1\bin\dbg\src\debug\tserver\findmodules.py", line 224, in _FindTracer
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE Personal 6.1\bin\dbg\src\debug\tserver\findmodules.py", line 325, in _LoadModule
ImportError: Failed to find spec for tdbgtracer37_x64
dbgtracer=<module 'tdbgtracer_x64' from 'c:\\program files (x86)\\wing ide personal 6.1\\bin\\dbg\\src\\debug\\tserver\\tdbgtracer_x64.pyd'>
3.7.1 (v3.7.1:260ec2c36a, Oct 20 2018, 14:57:15) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)]
SionSR's avatar
asked 2019-04-03 15:22:12 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2019-04-05 07:38:31 -0500
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2 Answers


I'm glad you got it working, although I also don't understand what was going on. Opening a new window with New Tool Window doesn't open the window in any different environment.

If you activate a virtualenv from the command line and start Wing also from that command line then it does inherit the env.

You can also set Python Executable in Project Properties, from the Project menu, to the full path of the virtualenv's Python, which is the value of sys.executable (after 'import sys') in the virtualenv. Then it uses the right virtualenv for that project without polluting the environment if you switch to other projects (in that model, you would start Wing from the Start menu and not the command line, or at least not from a command line where you've activate a virtualenv).

There are some details on using Wing with virtualenv here: http://wingware.com/doc/howtos/virtua...

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2019-04-05 07:37:47 -0500, updated 2019-04-05 07:38:21 -0500
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Are you getting the shell prompt after this? It seems like you might be because of the last line of output. In that case I'm guessing you may for some reason have the environment variable WINGDB_PRINT_ALL_TRACEBACKS set. Removing that should avoid the extra output.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2019-04-03 21:30:43 -0500
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Thank you for this suggestion. WINGDB_PRINT_ALL_TRACEBACKS now equals 0. The problem is not resolved. Tools|Python Shell has opened a shell before now, so something's changed. I have now uninstalled Wing and Python 37 and reinstalled them in new default folders. (I did not remove all Registry entries manually). Previously the folders were selected for convenience. Idle still works correctly. When Wing starts only the Help/code windows are open. This may be because I have moved the floating windows from the start window and not returned them before closing Wing. There is no log file to help us, possibly because nothing happens (appears to happen) when Tools|Python Shell is clicked. The implication is that there is something somewhere saved by Wing that is preventing the Python Shell from connecting. Since I have only recently turned to Wing, the problem is most likely to be something I have ... (more)

SionSR's avatar SionSR (2019-04-04 17:49:53 -0500) edit

It looks like it will print the tracebacks unless WINGDB_PRINT_ALL_TRACEBACKS is not defined. In other words, it prints them even if it's set to 0. Did you have this set to 1 before? Can you try unsetting it entirely to see if you still get that extra output?

As far as missing windows, Wing should restore all windows from a past session. If you hid the toolboxes, Wing restores the window with them hidden but F1 and F2 should show them and other windows should be listed in the Window menu. Not sure of that addressed what you're describing, however

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2019-04-04 20:46:37 -0500) edit

OK. I now have a python shell window in Wing IDE. Why has it now come into existence? I have one idea; a path problem possibly. This is what I did: I crated a venv in a dos window and activated it, then opened Idle to check it worked, then started Wing and set the project path to the virtual folder. Still no python shell. So I started opening all the windows under Window|New Tool Window. When I came to Python Shell it opened! This is not a technical answer. it is an invocation of magic. Which is quite reasonable because all the wondrous features in the Wing IDE Personal are truly magical. Thank you for listening to me. Sincerely, thank you for a great IDE.

SionSR's avatar SionSR (2019-04-05 02:14:54 -0500) edit
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