After saving file after block-comment, editor forgets that it was commented by itself
I just found issue with block comment with auto-formatting enabled. If you block-comment code, save file and it auto-reformats itself, then when you want to un-comment it, it comments it again and you have 2x ## instead of un-commenting.
Which auto-formatter are you using?
Built-in PEP8
It should work if you use one of the PEP 8 styles for the Block Comment Style setting on the Editor page of the Preferences dialog. If it doesn't, please send an example to
Seems that it's only available in Pro version, because I've just opened Personal one and I cannot find something like Block Comment Style on version. How can I do that for Personal version or its not possible at all? I've checked comment-toggle instead of comment-block-toggle and it didn't impose such behavior :)
EDIT: I've just opened Wing Pro on my Linux machine and I cannot see this option, only selection which autoformatter to use on Editor page of the Preferences dialog.
The Block Comment Style setting should be on the main Editor page of the preferences dialog in both Personal and Pro; note that this page is different than the Editor > Auto-formatting page where auto-reformatting is configured.