Does anyone know how to get Wing to run its debug process in an iTerm2 window on Mac OS?
I tried to follow the advice in Wing's documentation at…, but I have't so far been able to create a working recipe. Since I started to work with textual this has become more important, since it has a fairly intimate relationship with the terminal as a TUI, and a debug console window full of escape codes helps not at all.
Separately, the Forum link format [...](link) seems to be evaporating the links, even though they show up in preview, unless I'm just making some silly mistake.
I think a shell / Python script similar to the one used for the default macOS Terminal app is needed. Wing wants to launch a new process that will display the terminal and run a command line in it. The script for the default macOS Terminal app is Contents/Resources/resources/osx/run-in-terminal.applescript within the Wing app bundle. You can add new scripts via the External Consoles preference on the Debugger > I/O page of Wing's Preferences dialog.