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Multiple toolbox columns

Hi everyone!

Having just recently switched to a 2560x1440 monitor, I'm looking for a way to avoid wasting screen estate, while at the same time:
- maximize the vertical space for the file editor and the "debug I/O" toolbox
- keep other tools on screen

Basically something like this:

image description

Of course I wouldn't mind if the columns have to be swapped around, but is it possible?

Thanks for your time!

Joril's avatar
asked 2025-03-05 15:12:51 -0600
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1 Answer


This isn't possible within the same window right now. It's something we have on our list to change, but not sure if/when we'll get to that. What I do is move Debug I/O out to a separate window and have that either next to or behind or on top of the main window.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2025-03-05 17:04:08 -0600
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I see, that works too but it's a bit more "fragile" :) Thanks for your help!

Joril's avatar Joril (2025-03-06 04:41:30 -0600) edit
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