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Whats the best way to set zsh default terminal on a mac?

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On my mac its default, zsh, but the default settings for OS Commands is bash. I try to change in the settings zsh -i -l which is mostly fine, except for it displays '~ % ?[?2004h' on every line and its a minor annoyance, how would I get rid of this but only inside of wing ide?

jamiecropley's avatar
asked 2025-03-13 22:03:58 -0500
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2 Answers


Changing the command from 'bash' to 'zsh' is the way to change which shell is used, but I'm also not finding a way to get rid of those control characters. I've tried -f and -no-rcs, setting TERM=dumb and NO_COLOR=1 in the environment, and "unsetopt BRACKETED_PASTE" which gpt-4o suggested but seems to be a hallucination at some level (or perhaps just doesn't exist in my version of zsh).

The root problem here is really that OS Commands in Wing is a dumb terminal and doesn't implement terminal control characters. We do hope to fix that but I'm not sure when. It's one of those things that has been on our list a long time but hasn't gotten to the top.

If you find a solution, please post another answer here. I will also, if I find other ideas to try...

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2025-03-14 13:22:27 -0500
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I figured out just unticking 'Use Pseudo-TTY' and I also 'zsh -i -l' in the command line.

jamiecropley's avatar
answered 2025-03-14 16:33:56 -0500
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