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2019-03-13 10:13:24 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2019-03-13 10:13:24 -0500 received badge Notable Question (source)
2019-03-07 07:41:30 -0500 marked best answer Fedora 26 - cant add WingIDE to taskbar

when i hover the mouse over the wingIDE in the taskbar, instead of the program name it it says "unknown'when i right click on the icon, all it says is the current file name in wingIDE. ,instead of the popup menu allowing me to add it as a favorite to the task bar,it would be great to have it ALWAYS in the task bar like the other apps can be...on Ubuntu16.04 , it works....any ideas?

2019-03-07 07:37:47 -0500 received badge Student (source)
2019-03-07 07:37:45 -0500 marked best answer WingIDE on Fedora 26 cant find

fedora 26 workstation, wingpro 6.0.7-1 (rev 47fe5b0dd72b) using Fedora 26 python 3.6.2 wxPyton 4.0.0b2

'import wx' works fine but"import wx.dataview as dv"  causes an error:

File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/wx/", line 12, in <module>  from ._dataview import *builtins.ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

so in the terminal i did:

sudo yum import
Last metadata expiration check: 0:19:04 ago on Mon 25 Sep 2017 09:59:11 AM -03.
Package SDL-1.2.15-24.fc26.i686 is already installed, skipping.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

so it IS installed. so where is wingIDE looking for it?

2017-09-25 13:28:00 -0500 asked a question Fedora 26 - cant add WingIDE to taskbar

Fedora 26 - cant add WingIDE to taskbar when i hover the mouse over the wingIDE in the taskbar, instead of the program

2017-09-25 10:51:00 -0500 commented answer WingIDE on Fedora 26 cant find

you were right, the envirnment var is set in the 64 bit version, 

2017-09-25 10:45:00 -0500 commented answer WingIDE on Fedora 26 cant find

dnf install 32 bit SDL dnf install SDL installs 64 bit SDLgo figureits ALWAYS something.... work

2017-09-25 10:35:00 -0500 commented question WingIDE on Fedora 26 cant find

ok. i am kinda new to unix, python and wings all at the same time. things went VERY sommothly on winows and OSx. and now

2017-09-25 10:15:00 -0500 commented question WingIDE on Fedora 26 cant find

this is a brand new installation of fedora  26 in vmware running as virtual machine on a mac, not that i think that matt

2017-09-25 10:00:00 -0500 commented question WingIDE on Fedora 26 cant find

thanks so much  for the speedy replywhen in the terminal:i did your steps and the last step:>>> os.environ['LD_

2017-09-25 09:38:00 -0500 asked a question WingIDE on Fedora 26 cant find

WingIDE on Fedora 26 cant find fedora 26 workstation, wingpro 6.0.7-1 (rev 47fe5b0dd72b)using Fedora 26