calbert1411's profile - activity
2020-06-15 10:20:31 -0500 | received badge | Famous Question (source) |
2020-06-12 03:06:41 -0500 | received badge | Notable Question (source) |
2020-06-11 09:35:47 -0500 | received badge | Popular Question (source) |
2020-06-09 08:56:20 -0500 | marked best answer | Why does wing personal open in command prompt then close I have the latest version of wing installed ( and after i install it i click on the shortcut then command prompt opens and then quickly closes again and nothing else happens why does this happen? |
2020-06-09 08:56:18 -0500 | received badge | Self-Learner ( source ) |
2020-06-09 08:56:18 -0500 | received badge | Teacher ( source ) |
2020-06-08 20:04:16 -0500 | commented question | Why does wing personal open in command prompt then close thankfully all i needed to do was simply close then reopen it now its working thanks so much ;) |
2020-06-08 20:03:21 -0500 | commented question | Why does wing personal open in command prompt then close Thanks so much it works now ;) |
2020-06-08 10:45:51 -0500 | received badge | Student (source) |
2020-06-08 09:31:40 -0500 | asked a question | Why does wing personal open in command prompt then close Why does wing personal open in command prompt then close I have the latest version of wing installed ( and after |