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Mikhail Ninin Velikoselskiy's profile - activity

2020-01-22 20:00:17 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2019-03-15 10:00:24 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2019-03-15 10:00:24 -0500 received badge Notable Question (source)
2019-03-15 01:24:17 -0500 received badge Notable Question (source)
2019-03-13 10:07:48 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2019-03-07 08:03:42 -0500 marked best answer Why Wing marks multiline tuple of statements as Syntax Error, but debugs and runs it just fine?

I hope the screenshot is self-explanatory:

Why are there red squiggle underlines on coma in line 1, on whole line 2 and on ")" in line 3.

There is no syntax error here really! It works just fine in Python and does not show me an error in IDLE Python or in PyCharm.

Please fix it if possible.

2019-03-07 08:03:03 -0500 marked best answer Collapsing blocks of code while leaving empty lines visible (at least one of them)

When I collapse blocks of code empty lines between blocks are also become hidden which makes code badly readable. It would be better if at least one line (of more than one empty lines between blocks) stayed visible when blocks are collapsed. Is it possible to configure Wing IDE like that?so this: would collapse like this: instead of this: Because now Wing collapses every empty line no matter how many I insert. (((

2019-03-07 07:59:30 -0500 received badge Student (source)
2019-03-07 07:59:29 -0500 marked best answer Request for a list of possible parameters\values for a command to bind

How can I find the list of possible parameters and values for command:     


I need something like:      


to be set on "F12"

And there a couple of suggestions like that in binding dialog window but not the ones I need.

2017-11-22 14:22:00 -0500 asked a question Why Wing marks multiline tuple of statements as Syntax Error, but debugs and runs it just fine?

Why Wing marks multiline tuple of statements as Syntax Error, but debugs and runs it just fine? I hope the screenshot is

2017-11-12 05:29:00 -0500 commented answer Collapsing blocks of code while leaving empty lines visible (at least one of them)

Found it! Thank you.By the way, folded block has a black underline. Can I change its color?

2017-11-11 09:45:00 -0500 asked a question Collapsing blocks of code while leaving empty lines visible (at least one of them)

Collapsing blocks of code while leaving empty lines visible (at least one of them) When I collapse blocks of code empty

2017-11-06 16:09:00 -0500 commented answer Request for a list of possible parameters\values for a command to bind

So I need    show-preferences-gui(prefname="gui.keymap-override")Great, it works. Thank you very much!

2017-11-06 03:23:00 -0500 asked a question Request for a list of possible parameters\values for a command to bind

Request for a list of possible parameters\values for a command to bind How can I find the list of possible parameters an

2017-11-06 01:12:00 -0500 commented answer How to move out of right brackets/braces/quotes ?

In Eclipse (LiClipse, PyDev) we had a convenient shortcut Shift+Enter which when pressed goes from inside any brackets o