Bad font rendering when choosing utf-8 encoding

Wing Pro IDE ver:

I set the default encoding to Unicode (UTF-8) but when writing in Persian, especially in Lists, texts get mixed up and become unreadable. What should I do? (There is no problem with the exact same text in other IDEs such as Visual Studio Code)

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alphajoza's avatar
asked 2019-09-09 01:13:10 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2019-09-09 07:38:31 -0500
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1 Answer


Unfortunately Wing doesn't handle right-to-left text correctly, which is why it's overwriting text in this odd way. This is due to lack of complete right-to-left language support in the underlying text editor component, Scintilla.

However there has been some progress on supporting this and we may be able to improve this by updating the version of Scintilla that we use. I'll see if we can look at doing that soon, although I don't know for certain it will solve it completely.

Sorry about this problem!

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2019-09-09 07:38:07 -0500
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