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How to install packages using pip from within Wing

What is the way to install a package using pip from within Wing? For example, how to install the Bottle Python Web Framework from within Wing?

Varuna's avatar
asked 2019-10-03 06:34:30 -0600
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2020-06-25 13:56:01 -0600
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2 Answers


Other than starting a command from the OS Commands tool there's no way to do that now. Adding a package manager is something we hope to do in the future.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2019-10-03 07:30:59 -0600
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You have my +1

tinjaw's avatar tinjaw (2019-11-25 11:03:11 -0600) edit

A small start on this is available in Wing 7.2+ where you can specify packages to install in the New Project dialog when creating a new virtualenv or Anaconda env with your new project.

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2020-01-22 19:32:32 -0600) edit

I tried this with PyQt5, but the package gets installed into the host python and not into the Wing created virtual environment.

It does work, if I start a terminal from within Wing IDE, which is automatically in the correct virtual environment and then install via pip

pip install pyqt5

This is on a fresh install of macOS Mojave with python 3.7.7 installed via installer. WingPro (rev b4c7d93c92a9)

chriswayg's avatar chriswayg (2020-06-24 11:17:17 -0600) edit

I think there may be a bug here so that Wing ends up running pip outside of the activated env. We'll look into fixing that soon. Thanks for pointing this out!

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2020-06-25 13:55:49 -0600) edit
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You could manage your project in a virtual environment, do the pip install there and set your wing project to use that environment.

Max Slimmer's avatar
Max Slimmer
answered 2019-10-07 10:12:54 -0600
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