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Adding spaces between parentheses and arguments

I like to format my code with spaces between parens and args:

def someMethod( self, anArg, anotherArg ):
    someFunction( anotherFunction( 1, 2, 3 ) )

Is it possible to have Wing help with this by auto-completing with this formatting? I couldn't find anything in the preferences.

smeet's avatar
asked 2021-02-11 19:54:01 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2021-02-12 07:16:19 -0500
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There isn't any support for that form of spacing now. It's something we could potentially add to the auto-editing features, so I've marked this as a feature request. Auto-formatting will probably always take them away since we just use third party standard Python formatters (pep8, black, or yapf). Black will certainly remove the spaces. I'm not sure if there are options for the others to avoid removing them.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2021-02-12 07:20:11 -0500
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