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django cannot create test database

I created a django project and a testCase with setUpTestData containing several objects.create. when I debug the test , I get the following error : I get the following error : Got an error creating the test database: (1044, "Access denied for user 'odile'@'localhost' to database 'test_recettes_database'")

I am using mySQL and my django settings module is using a .env file in my virtual environment. Any help will be welcomed

piscvau's avatar
asked 2021-09-07 15:07:33 -0500
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It seems it is due to mysql on Ubuntu which does not allow the creation of the database unless the user is connected as sudo. It seems therefore that Wing has nothing to do with it. I need to create the database outside and tell django test to load the database with my test data. But how can I do this?

piscvau's avatar piscvau (2021-09-08 03:03:50 -0500) edit
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1 Answer


problem solved. It comes from mysql8 which uses plugin caching_sha2_password . So changing in mysql the plugin to mysql_native_password solves the problem

piscvau's avatar
answered 2021-09-08 05:44:50 -0500
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