Columns Displayed in the Console Debug i/o Window

Hi Is there a way of changing the number of columns displayed in the output window when a prorgam is run. JUst doing some preliminary work on data frames and while the data frame is 7 columns wide it only shows 5 columns data with ... for the other columns.

Any help would be great

Many thanks

0 1 1996-06-30 ... NaN Summer 1 2 1996-07-01 ... Rain Summer 2 3 1996-07-02 ... NaN Summer 3 4 1996-07-03 ... Rain Summer 4 5 1996-07-04 ... Rain Summer 5 6 1996-07-05 ... Rain Summer 6 7 1996-07-06 ... Rain Summer 7 8 1996-07-07 ... Rain Summer 8 9 1996-07-08 ... NaN Summer 9 10 1996-07-09 ... Rain Summer 10 11 1996-07-10 ... NaN Summer 11 12 1996-07-11 ... NaN Summer 12 13 1996-07-12 ... Rain Summer 13 14 1996-07-13 ... NaN Summ

brian shaw's avatar
brian shaw
asked 2019-03-18 23:32:43 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2019-03-19 08:16:06 -0500
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1 Answer


The Debug I/O tool uses the same font/size as in the editor. It should be showing the whole row, but I'm guessing the lines are too long for display and scrolled off the right. In that case, you could either wrap them with Wrap Lines in its Options menu or you could reduce the font size.

To change font size without affecting also the editor font size, turn on the Editor > Enable Font Zooming preference and Ctrl-MouseWheel (or Command-MouseWheel on OS X) on the Debug I/O tool to change the font size. I'm not sure why zooming isn't in the Options or right-click context menu as well; that seems like it should be added.

Another thing to note is that in Wing Pro 7 (available as a beta release right now) you could use the array viewer to look at the data frame. To do that, run to a break point and in the Stack Data tool right-click on the data frame and select Show Value as Array. For larger arrays, you may want to move the Stack Data tool out to a separate window by drag and dropping its tab or right-clicking on the tab and using the "Move Stack Data to" sub-menu.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2019-03-19 08:05:21 -0500, updated 2019-03-19 08:06:41 -0500
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