relative project paths

Is there a way to create a "portable" project file (.whl) where source file paths are relative? I mean, a way from the Wing IDE since I think it is possible to manually edit the .whl file anche adapt the loc() entries.

steve1964's avatar
asked 2022-04-28 04:04:33 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2022-05-05 09:25:27 -0500
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The source files in the project should be relative to the Wing .wpr file. Are you running into a case where they're not relative?

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2022-04-28 09:33:23 -0500
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Now I have been able to ensure that the source files are relative in the .wpr file. However, the paths in the OS Commands seem constrained to absolute strings. And they are also stored in the .wpr project file. My question now is: is there a way to add custom OS commands with relative Python files?

steve1964's avatar steve1964 (2022-04-28 15:24:05 -0500) edit

Yes the command lines in OS Commands are strings because there isn't a simple way to determine which parts refer to filenames. Environment variables can be used in the command lines for directories in the project -- including the Wing specific names described in https://wingware.com/doc/proj/variabl...

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2022-04-28 15:49:57 -0500) edit
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