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Auto-close debugged, external files

One big annoyance I have with Wing - which I otherwise love using - is that when I enter the debugger due to an assert in 3rd party code, after debugging and stopping execution, all those 3rd party files remain open in the editor. I'd like to have them auto-close and return me back to where I was unless I set a breakpoint in one.

Is there a way to force this behavior or could this be a feature request?

massung's avatar
asked 2023-04-05 11:08:12 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2023-04-05 14:54:45 -0500
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One possible solution is to Enable Auto-Perspectives from the Tools menu and then go into Manage Perspectives (also from the Tools menu) and for the edit and debug perspectives set the Style to tools-and-editors (by clicking on their value in the Style column, then clicking again to select from a popup). This automatically changes tools and editors visible when debugging or not debugging.

Another solution is to use the File > File Sets menu to create a named set of the files before debugging and then restore that after debugging ends, also from that menu.

Sometimes useful also is the Open Files tool in the Tools menu, for relatively quickly selecting files to close.

None of these is exactly what you're asking, but perhaps will help. An idea would be to add a way to auto-close all files not in the Project tool in Wing after debugging, and this would also be an idea for improving the Open Files tool.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2023-04-05 14:53:26 -0500, updated 2023-04-05 14:54:37 -0500
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