Wingpro Python quit unexpectedly
I keep getting Python quit unexpectedly. I have tried my best and it's been weeks on end. I have the latest update yet it persists. Also, do note the Python 3.7.3 version that I use which is installed through brew.
What do I do now? I have not been able to use the application since it started.
This may be due to a segfault in a process used to scrape an extension module. Could you submit a bug report via Wing's Help menu and include the error log?
I have submitted the bug report as requested. I will be waiting for a prompt response.
I have the exact same problem. Python version 3.7.6 installed through brew as well.
Just updated Python to 3.8.5 using homebrew. Problem gone.
Good to know, thanks. The issue occurs when an extension module crashes as a result of our inspection, where we try to learn about the module's API so we can offer auto-completion/etc. This is done by launching Python and loading the module and inspecting it, and it's that process which you saw crashing. The code that does the inspection is in src/wingutils/ in the Wing installation, which may be useful to know for others that run into this and want to try to track down the bug in the specific extension module. I think in your case the problem was fixed in a later version or perhaps your Python 3.8.5 installation doesn't have the module that caused the crash.