Obtain the pycharm style block comment.

In Wing, I want to obtain the pycharm style block comment, say, for the following code block snippet in a class:

def measure_strain(self) -> float:
    """Measures the average strain on bond lengths on both substructures."""
    bond_lengths = self.bond_lengths
    bottom_strain = []
    top_strain = []
    for (k1, b1) in bond_lengths.items():
        for k3, b3 in self.bbl.items():
            if (k3 == k1) or (k3[::-1] == k1):
                d = np.abs((b3 - b1)) / b1 * 100
        for k3, b3 in self.tbl.items():
            if (k3 == k1) or (k3[::-1] == k1):
                d = np.abs((b3 - b1)) / b1 * 100
    strain = np.average(bottom_strain) + np.average(top_strain)
    return strain

In wing, the result is as following with the # Indented PEP 8 Style Comment

# def measure_strain(self) -> float:
    # """Measures the average strain on bond lengths on both substructures."""
    # bond_lengths = self.bond_lengths
    # bottom_strain = []
    # top_strain = []
    # for (k1, b1) in bond_lengths.items():
        # for k3, b3 in self.bbl.items():
            # if (k3 == k1) or (k3[::-1] == k1):
                # d = np.abs((b3 - b1)) / b1 * 100
                # bottom_strain.append(d)
        # for k3, b3 in self.tbl.items():
            # if (k3 == k1) or (k3[::-1] == k1):
                # d = np.abs((b3 - b1)) / b1 * 100
                # top_strain.append(d)
    # strain = np.average(bottom_strain) + np.average(top_strain)
    # return strain

But I want to obtain the pycharm style block comment as follows:

# def measure_strain(self) -> float:
#     """Measures the average strain on bond lengths on both substructures."""
#     bond_lengths = self.bond_lengths
#     bottom_strain = []
#     top_strain = []
#     for (k1, b1) in bond_lengths.items():
#         for k3, b3 in self.bbl.items():
#             if (k3 == k1) or (k3[::-1] == k1):
#                 d = np.abs((b3 - b1)) / b1 * 100
#                 bottom_strain.append(d)
#         for k3, b3 in self.tbl.items():
#             if (k3 == k1) or (k3[::-1] == k1):
#                 d = np.abs((b3 - b1)) / b1 * 100
#                 top_strain.append(d)
#     strain = np.average(bottom_strain) + np.average(top_strain)
#     return strain
hongyi-zhao's avatar
asked 2024-03-02 02:52:34 -0500
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2024-03-06 07:20:55 -0500
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3 Answers


For your information, you can see the following effect commented out by pycharm:

image description

hongyi-zhao's avatar
answered 2024-03-02 08:14:25 -0500
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Set the Editor > Block Comment Style preference to "# PEP 8 Style Comment in Column 0". The indented style is often easier if you're working near commented-out code a lot or moving it around, which I think is why the default in Wing is indented. I suspect the default also predates PEP8!

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2024-03-02 07:09:57 -0500
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No. I don't want them always in "Column 0", instead, the comment symbol, aka, "#", is placed in the column where the actual indentation position of the code block is located, which is also the behavior of pycharm comment style.

hongyi-zhao's avatar hongyi-zhao (2024-03-02 08:11:33 -0500) edit

That looks like a useful option. We'll try to implement it. Thanks!

Wingware Support's avatar Wingware Support (2024-03-02 14:23:22 -0500) edit
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"No. I don't want them always in "Column 0", instead, the comment symbol, aka, "#", is placed in the column where the actual indentation position of the code block is located, which is also the behavior of pycharm comment style."

Thanks again for this suggestion. This will be added in our next release by the "# Uniformly Indented PEP8 Style Comment" option for the Editor > Block Comment Style preference.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2024-03-06 07:17:46 -0500, updated 2024-03-06 07:20:33 -0500
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