OS Commands

I have a debug output in a loop:

 print(f"Progress: {percent}% ({cnt}/{all} files)", end="\r")

In a 'normal' terminal, the line ending is respected and the visual output only follows the changing percent and cnt inline, without showing a new line every time. The 'OS Commands' terminal on the other hand looks like

Progress: 1% (3778/265716 files)
Progress: 1% (3779/265716 files)
Progress: 1% (3780/265716 files)

Can this behavior be changed?

Michael's avatar
asked 2019-07-16 06:27:59 -0500, updated 2019-07-16 09:14:26 -0500
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Unfortunately OS Commands doesn't implement full terminal emulation, although this is a case we should try to add so I'm marking this as a feature request.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2019-07-16 07:33:22 -0500
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