Wingware Admin's profile - activity
2019-05-22 04:40:09 -0500 | received badge | Notable Question (source) |
2019-05-22 04:40:09 -0500 | received badge | Popular Question (source) |
2019-05-22 04:40:09 -0500 | received badge | Famous Question (source) |
2019-03-13 08:52:00 -0500 | received badge | Taxonomist |
2019-03-13 08:30:18 -0500 | received badge | Organizer (source) |
2019-03-07 09:17:26 -0500 | edited question | New Q&A Forum Provider / Recovering Access to Your Account New Q&A Forum / Recovering Access to Your Account This Q&A forum has been moved to a new provider. In the proce |
2019-03-07 09:16:26 -0500 | edited question | beginner setup question beginner setup question Sorry. I'm that guy. I have python 3.6.2 installed, and have Wing pointing to the python.exe in |
2019-03-07 09:14:13 -0500 | commented answer | Does WingIDE support PEP-484 (Type hints) for Python 2.7? But how?I have the following simple Python module that uses one of the formats, which is proposed in PEP-484 for Python |
2019-03-07 09:13:37 -0500 | edited question | Does WingIDE support PEP-484 (Type hints) for Python 2.7? Does WingIDE support PEP-484 (Type hints) for Python 2.7? PEP-484 (Type Hints) has been introduced with Python 3.5. PEP- |
2019-03-07 09:13:18 -0500 | edited question | Setting a keyboard shortcut for to 'editor window' Setting a keyboard shortcut for to 'editor window' Hi I do not see any possibility to set a keyboard shortcut that move |
2019-03-07 09:12:46 -0500 | commented question | UnitTest & code coverage I made my app start using the launch configuration.But yet I get the error. Traceback (most recent call last): File " |
2019-03-07 09:12:18 -0500 | edited answer | UnitTest & code coverage Hi! I want to understand if I can use the tests tool of the Wing IDE to run test programs in my application. I can run |
2019-03-07 09:12:12 -0500 | edited answer | UnitTest & code coverage Hi!I want to understand if I can use the tests tool of the Wing IDE to run test programs in my application. I can run Te |
2019-03-07 09:11:33 -0500 | edited question | UnitTest & code coverage UnitTest & code coverage Hi! I'm trying to set up test execution.There is a difficult moment. Tests must be perform |
2019-03-07 09:11:01 -0500 | edited answer | Possible to use PipEnv projects in Wing IDE Make sure you have built an pipevn environment in the project directory and install all packages in Piplfile. > pipe |
2019-03-07 09:10:08 -0500 | edited answer | Possible to use PipEnv projects in Wing IDE Start wing from the command line where your virtual environment is activated. This is an alias I use on MAC, pretty sim |
2019-03-07 09:09:53 -0500 | edited question | Possible to use PipEnv projects in Wing IDE Possible to use PipEnv projects in Wing IDE hi, im not sure how to do this, virtualenv works fine as i can direct the p |
2019-03-07 09:09:06 -0500 | commented question | Deleting/Moving Files (sorted) Thanks - staring me in the face! One I'd sorted out where 'Trash' is (for me ~/.trash) I can then save anything I want |
2019-03-07 09:08:58 -0500 | edited question | Deleting/Moving Files (sorted) Deleting/Moving Files (sorted) I feel that I am missing something ! I am using the project manager to develop a small a |
2019-03-07 09:07:54 -0500 | edited question | Wing under Enthought Deployment Manager EDM Wing under Enthought Deployment Manager EDM How do I get Wing to run under an Enthought Deployment Manager (EDM) context |
2019-03-07 09:06:38 -0500 | edited question | project properties are not persisting project properties are not persisting Hi, I've googled round a little but alas to no avail. The problem I'm having is t |
2019-03-07 09:05:48 -0500 | edited question | Can't make remote host to work properly Can't make remote host to work properly I'm having trouble setting up connection to remote host (Ubuntu 16.04 on AWS fro |
2019-03-07 09:05:14 -0500 | edited answer | String Methods in Regex Find and Replace In Wing Pro there are "Symbol To *" refactoring operations for converting between UpperCamelCase, lowerCamelCase, under_ |
2019-03-07 09:04:53 -0500 | edited question | String Methods in Regex Find and Replace String Methods in Regex Find and Replace I'm trying to convert between variable naming conventions, from: exampleVariab |
2019-03-07 09:04:01 -0500 | edited question | Just upgraded to 6.10 didn't see a prompt for 64-bit version. Just upgraded to 6.10 didn't see a prompt for 64-bit version. Just upgraded to 6.10 didn't see a prompt for 64-bit versi |
2019-03-07 09:03:32 -0500 | edited question | Run only part of the code Run only part of the code Hi, Is possible to run Python code only the code that is selected with mouse? Like in RStudio |
2019-03-07 09:03:05 -0500 | edited question | Transient/non-sticky mode - what is Hidden/auto-close Transient/non-sticky mode - what is Hidden/auto-close A very minor question. I've just decided (after some years) to re |
2019-03-07 09:01:59 -0500 | commented answer | sys.stdin in Wing IDE problem It's strange, but this program works good. Here is a screenshot. In bash I ca |
2019-03-07 09:01:42 -0500 | edited answer | sys.stdin in Wing IDE problem That program doesn't work outside of wing either. If you are writing test code, try putting your inputs into a file and |
2019-03-07 09:01:27 -0500 | edited question | sys.stdin in Wing IDE problem sys.stdin in Wing IDE problem Hi.Trying to test simple python-program using stdin object. import sys w = [] for s in s |
2019-03-07 09:00:55 -0500 | edited question | jinja2 autocompletion support ? jinja2 autocompletion support ? is it possible to get jinja2 autocompletion support in the wing ide pro? |
2019-03-07 09:00:35 -0500 | edited answer | Issue with installation Wing IDE on kali - libpango1.0-0 dependency - libpango1.0-0 vs libpango-1.0-0 (additional '-' ) What version of Wing is this? I'm surprised it depends on libpango... I'm fairly sure we don't use that. Also, I'm fai |
2019-03-07 09:00:07 -0500 | edited question | Issue with installation Wing IDE on kali - libpango1.0-0 dependency - libpango1.0-0 vs libpango-1.0-0 (additional '-' ) Issue with installation Wing IDE on kali - libpango1.0-0 dependency - libpango1.0-0 vs libpango-1.0-0 (additional '-' ) |
2019-03-07 08:56:35 -0500 | edited question | What is the right way to set up project python paths for sharing? What is the right way to set up project python paths for sharing? We are starting to refactor a larger python project in |
2019-03-07 08:54:21 -0500 | edited answer | Why doesn't Queue work? Interesting, I've replicated this now also. It works intermittently and does not work intermittently. This is true als |
2019-03-07 08:53:54 -0500 | edited answer | Why doesn't Queue work? Later I run the code in Spyder, in Pycharm ( latest edition ), The results are always the same. the interpreter is Py |
2019-03-07 08:52:59 -0500 | edited answer | Why doesn't Queue work? It works for me. I get: Process to write: 38193 Process to read: 38194 Get 33 from queue. done I'm assuming I correc |
2019-03-07 08:52:26 -0500 | edited question | Why doesn't Queue work? Why doesn't Queue work? from multiprocessing import Process, Queue import os, time, random def write(q): |
2019-03-07 08:50:00 -0500 | edited answer | autosave & restart app if changes made when switching focus ? You could turn on the Files > Auto-Save Before Debug or Execute preference and use the debug restart icon in the tool |
2019-03-07 08:49:39 -0500 | edited question | autosave & restart app if changes made when switching focus ? autosave & restart app if changes made when switching focus ? hi, in sublime text 3 theres a neat feature that will |
2019-03-07 08:49:11 -0500 | edited question | how to enable ctrl-scroll to change font size? how to enable ctrl-scroll to change font size? I seem to remember this is something that is set in preferences, but for |
2019-03-07 08:48:20 -0500 | edited question | Shell History Location Shell History Location I would like to clear my python shell history, where does Wing keep this information? I've looked |
2019-03-07 08:47:36 -0500 | edited question | Git Push Password Git Push Password I have an existing local Git repo with an origin at bitbucket. When I try to push the changes I get t |
2019-03-07 08:46:56 -0500 | edited question | Total reset Total reset Hi! Being a newbie I wonder if there is a way to reset Wing IDE to its original state. Learning about all |
2019-03-07 08:46:20 -0500 | edited question | Trouble configuring Wing IDE for a existing Django project Trouble configuring Wing IDE for a existing Django project Hi, I am running Wing IDE 6 on Mint Mate and for some unknow |
2019-03-07 08:44:42 -0500 | edited answer | Identifying project containing specific files You can use a search tool of some type to search through the *.wpr and *.wpu files. They are in a textual name=value fo |
2019-03-07 08:44:24 -0500 | edited question | Identifying project containing specific files Identifying project containing specific files Over the last few years I have used Wing to create a number of application |
2019-03-07 08:39:29 -0500 | edited answer | TEMPLATE_DEBUG warning messages? In the TEMPLATES section of your you want to add a line that says "'debug': True,"Wing's project setup scri |
2019-03-07 08:39:14 -0500 | edited question | TEMPLATE_DEBUG warning messages? TEMPLATE_DEBUG warning messages? I use Wing to work on my Django projects, and I have dutifully set TEMPLATE_DEBUG in my |
2019-03-07 08:38:25 -0500 | edited question | Setting up WingIde for Python -m option Setting up WingIde for Python -m option Hi Folks: I want to execute tests from Wingide. I have directory structure /ap |