Wing not responsive for first few minutes of use
the last few releases i have noticed wing7 pro UI is very slow, with high latency responding to KB events for quite awhile after starting wingpro or after opening a new project.
it seems sometimes wingpro is analyzing things, based on status in the footer.
i run wingpro on debian linux, two different dev machines, both have this issue. it didnt used to be this way. my dev machine is 4 core 16GB, neither memory or cpu are anywhere near full utilization - so seems this is some threading/locking issue with wingpro?
has anyone else noticed this issue? thanks.
Try collecting a profile as follows:
(1) Use Edit -> Command By Name and enter: internal-profile-start,(2) Use Wing and do something that consumes CPU, (3) Use Edit -> Command By Name and enter: internal-profile-stop, (4) Then submit a bug report from Wing's help menu and check the box to include the error log (or email us the last part of the ide.log file from the settings directory listed in Wing's About box)
Thanks for reporting this issue.
Also worth checking is whether increasing the Source Analysis > Max Cache Size preference helps since it sounds a bit like analysis is thrashing.
thanks for the responses, I increased Max Cache Size from 2GB to 4GB, still see the unresponsive UI. Will collect a profile and send it along.
submitted a bug report per your instructions, thanks!
Are the source files and your home directory on a local disk? I notice more time than usual is being spent reading files and reading/writing the cache database.