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read_passphrase cant open /dev/tty

When I attempt to probe my raspberry pi from my win10 install of wingpro the last line in the details reads "read passphrase: cant open /dev/tty: No such file or directory" is that looking for a directory and file on Win10? What could be causing my probe to fail?

Working...'s avatar
asked 2023-11-04 20:35:50 -0600
Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
updated 2023-12-07 08:20:43 -0600
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2 Answers


I initially misunderstood where this was happening. From the log you sent in, I see it's in context of trying to connect to the remote host. This occurs on Windows if you are using OpenSSH and don't use an ssh key pair, or if you use an ssh key but don't use the ssh agent. In either case a password needs to be typed and OpenSSH is designed to refuse a password provided by anything but you actually typing it in on the command line.

There two possible solutions:

1) Change to using Wing's builtin SSH implementation or PuTTY. You can change to a different SSH implementation with the Remote Development > SSH Implementation preference in Wing.

2) Set up an SSH key pair and load that into ssh-agent.

See… for details on using each SSH implementation. That includes also how to set up an SSH key pair in each case.

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2023-11-05 15:47:57 -0600
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Thank you. I accept this as an answer, and will do rhe keys up. Just my laziness.

Working...'s avatar Working... (2023-11-05 21:10:08 -0600) edit
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When you initiate debug from Wing, the environment is not a real tty. The solution to this is to start your process from a real terminal (ssh into the pi, then type on the command line) and use wingdbstub to initiate debug. The docs for the case relevant to you are here:…

Wingware Support's avatar
Wingware Support
answered 2023-11-05 02:22:56 -0600
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Aha, ok. Thank you for the speedy answer. I must have miscommunicated. I am only newly begun on using the remote host in Wingpro. I am still at a stage before debug. I am trying to get a remote host defined to connect to my raspberry pi, so I fall down quickly when I try to follow those directions on the link.

Working...'s avatar Working... (2023-11-05 13:43:30 -0600) edit

Let us considernthis as a duplicate to "Is the remote system OS type of "Linux aarch64" supported?" since that one asked for a bug report with an error log

Working...'s avatar Working... (2023-11-05 14:27:58 -0600) edit
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