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2024-05-30 06:36:57 -0500 received badge Notable Question (source)
2024-05-30 06:36:57 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2022-04-29 11:44:27 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2022-04-26 05:05:33 -0500 marked best answer Debug probe last evaluated code selection doesn't remain in history

I evaluate a section of code in the debug probe and it executes in the current context as expected. However, when I press up cursor to repeat the last executed block of code in the history it's not there anymore! so I have to make a selection of the code and evaluate again. Which breaks my focus as I have to repeat that same selection may times in a debug task.

For a test, I do the same for a smaller section of the same code. When I press the up cursor it's there. I start to increase the size of the code block and when it reaches 24 lines it stops remaining in the history.

Is there a setting anywhere that controls the maximum size of the executed code that goes in to the history? or is this a limitation? I started a new project in case the project files where corrupted but it didn't make any difference.

I'm using winpro

2022-04-26 05:05:33 -0500 received badge Scholar ( source )
2022-04-25 08:24:15 -0500 edited question Debug probe last evaluated code selection doesn't remain in history

Debug probe last evaluated code selection doesn't remain in history I evaluate a section of code in the debug probe and

2022-04-25 08:23:30 -0500 asked a question Debug probe last evaluated code selection doesn't remain in history

Debug probe last evaluated code selection doesn't remain in history I evaluate a section of code in the debug probe and

2021-09-22 09:19:37 -0500 marked best answer Same zoom for all documents

I would like to have the same font zoom for all documents. At the moment the document seems to remember the zoom (I set the zoom with Crtl+Mouse wheel) and as I work in two environments with different screen sizes I'm all the time zooming in and out each document depending on the environment I am, this becomes tedious after a while. Is it possible to do something like this?

2021-09-21 06:20:32 -0500 asked a question Same zoom for all documents

Same zoom for all documents I would like to have the same font zoom for all documents. At the moment the document seems

2020-06-17 02:59:17 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2020-06-17 02:59:17 -0500 received badge Notable Question (source)
2020-05-21 02:12:22 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2020-05-04 10:04:39 -0500 marked best answer Change project browser icons in wingpro7

I've just tried wingpro7 and I see the icons in the project browser have changed wrt. wingide6. I prefer plainer icons in file browsers as I'm dyslexic and I unconsciously get stuck with fancy icons and specially outline only icons (as they are easier to confuse with the outlines of letters just beside) like the default folders in wingpro7. So it takes me longer just to locate a file. Is it possible to change these icons? the wingide6 ones were fine.

2020-05-04 05:23:29 -0500 commented answer Change project browser icons in wingpro7

Yes, filled icons distract me less. I guess you could offer a couple of sets of icons to chose from the settings, the ol

2020-05-01 15:36:17 -0500 marked best answer "Move Program Counter Here" command not available when debugging script in a docker container

I'm debugging various scripts running in a docker container. I can debug them fine following the instructions in here However, the "Move Program Counter Here" command, which I often use, is greyed when I debug scripts running in a docker container. The command it's available when debugging a script in the host. I've tried to call the command directly from the "Command by name" option and typing debug-move-counter or debug-move-counter-clicked, which works well when debugging a script in the host, but I get the message Command not found.

I've run the "Reload all scripts" option but it the debug-move-counter is still not available.

How can I make this command available when debugging a script inside a docker container?

2020-05-01 10:01:22 -0500 asked a question Change project browser icons in wingpro7

Change project browser icons in wingpro7 I've just tried wingpro7 and I see the icons in the project browser have change

2020-05-01 05:16:34 -0500 commented question "Move Program Counter Here" command not available when debugging script in a docker container

I've done the same steps with wingide7 and I can use the debug-move-counter command there without problem. So the proble

2020-04-30 17:43:23 -0500 commented question "Move Program Counter Here" command not available when debugging script in a docker container

I'm using wingide6. There is no exception and it's innermost stack frame. I use that command often. I have just tried to

2020-04-30 17:42:22 -0500 commented question "Move Program Counter Here" command not available when debugging script in a docker container

I'm using wingide6. There is no exception and it's innermost stack frame. I use that command often. I have just tried to

2020-04-29 17:54:12 -0500 asked a question "Move Program Counter Here" command not available when debugging script in a docker container

"Move Program Counter Here" command not available when debugging script in a docker container I'm debugging various scri

2020-03-30 07:39:22 -0500 received badge Self-Learner ( source )
2020-03-30 07:39:22 -0500 received badge Teacher ( source )
2020-03-30 07:39:21 -0500 marked best answer Unable to connect debugger to a docker container

I'm following the example in here to connect the WingIDE debugger to a python script running in a docker container. However, there is some connection problem.

I've enabled kLogVeryVerbose and set kLogFile = "<stdout>" to try to diagnose the problem. I run the example with this line:

docker run -v /usr/lib/wingpro7:/wingpro7 -v /home/martin/develop/docker_tests/docker:/app -p 4000:80  myapp

and I think it stays waiting for connection until it times out.

In an attempt to troubleshot the problem I've added the container's ip address, the hosts address and the localhosts to Allowed Hosts, also same addresses both with port 50005 and 50015 to Common atttach hosts, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

These are the logging messages I get in the console:

Creating meta importer for domain dbg
winghome=/wingpro7Created meta importer
  Added dir /wingpro7/bootstrap for
  Added dir /wingpro7/bootstrap/__pycache__ for __pycache__.
Adding code directory to merge importer: /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src for
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/__pycache__ for __pycache__.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/debug for debug.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/debug/tserver for debug.tserver.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/debug/tserver/__os__ for debug.tserver.__os__.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/debug/tserver/__os__/win32 for debug.tserver.__os__.win32.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/debug/tserver/__os__/osx for debug.tserver.__os__.osx.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/wingbase for wingbase.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/wingbase/__os__ for wingbase.__os__.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/wingbase/__os__/win32 for wingbase.__os__.win32.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/wingbase/__os__/osx for wingbase.__os__.osx.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/wingbase/__pycache__ for wingbase.__pycache__.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/wingbase/pexpect for wingbase.pexpect.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/wingbase/pexpect/ptyprocess for wingbase.pexpect.ptyprocess.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/debug/tserver/__os__/linux-x64 for debug.tserver.
  Added dir /wingpro7/bin/dbg/src/wingbase/__os__/linux-x64 for wingbase.
Adding code directory to merge importer: /wingpro7/src
  Added dir /wingpro7/src for
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/testing for testing.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/testing/runners for testing.runners.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/wingutils for wingutils.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/debug for debug.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/debug/tserver for debug.tserver.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/debug/tserver/__pycache__ for debug.tserver.__pycache__.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/debug/__pycache__ for debug.__pycache__.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/debug/client for debug.client.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/external for external.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/external/pygments for external.pygments.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/external/pygments/pygments for external.pygments.pygments.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/external/pygments/pygments/formatters for external.pygments.pygments.formatters.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/external/pygments/pygments/lexers for external.pygments.pygments.lexers.
  Added dir /wingpro7/src/external/pygments/pygments/filters for external.pygments.pygments.filters.
  Added dir /wingpro7 ...
2020-03-29 07:33:50 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2020-03-27 12:33:43 -0500 answered a question Unable to connect debugger to a docker container

I've managed to attach the wingide debugger to the script running in the container. However, I'm not sure of the necessa

2020-03-26 05:12:12 -0500 received badge Notable Question (source)
2020-03-26 05:12:08 -0500 received badge Enthusiast
2020-03-24 03:51:26 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2020-03-23 09:02:02 -0500 edited question Unable to connect debugger to a docker container

Unable to connect debugger to a docker container I'm following the example in here to connect the WingIDE debugger to a

2020-03-23 08:55:54 -0500 edited question Unable to connect debugger to a docker container

Unable to connect debugger to a docker container I'm following the example in here to connect the WingIDE debugger to a

2020-03-23 08:52:52 -0500 commented answer Unable to connect debugger to a docker container

When I use host.docker.internal:50005 it just fails to connect, it doesn't time out. I'll update the question with the l

2020-03-23 06:14:12 -0500 commented answer Unable to connect debugger to a docker container

I had already tried kWingHostPort = 'host.docker.internal:50005' before posting. I've tried again and the logging is fin

2020-03-23 05:46:45 -0500 edited question Unable to connect debugger to a docker container

Unable to connect debugger to a docker container I'm following the example in here to connect the WingIDE debugger to a

2020-03-23 05:44:03 -0500 commented answer Unable to connect debugger to a docker container

I had already tried kWingHostPort = 'host.docker.internal:50005' before posting. I've tried again and the logging is fin

2020-03-22 08:43:57 -0500 received badge Notable Question (source)
2020-03-22 08:43:57 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2020-03-22 08:42:22 -0500 asked a question Unable to connect debugger to a docker container

Unable to connect debugger to a docker container I'm following the example in here to connect the WingIDE debugger to a

2019-05-07 08:30:33 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2019-05-03 08:00:23 -0500 marked best answer shortening the path names in the project tree window

When a directory is added to the project window the whole path shows up. See example image: image description

I have a bunch of directories that I want to add to the project window. They all have very long path names (longer than in the image example above) and the only difference may be the last subfolder or two. Having the project window option "View as Tree" active, I need to make the project window very wide to see which project is which, or use the horizontal scroll. I find the horizontal scrolling annoying.

Is there any way of shortening the path names in the project tree window? maybe just showing the last subfolder name? in the example image that would be just showing "librealsense2" as name of the directory.

2019-05-03 04:27:42 -0500 commented answer shortening the path names in the project tree window

I've rephrased the question again and added an image

2019-05-03 04:26:54 -0500 edited question shortening the path names in the project tree window

shortening the path names in the project tree window When a directory is added to the project window the whole path show

2019-05-02 10:29:41 -0500 edited question shortening the path names in the project tree window

shortening the path names in the project tree window I have a bunch of directories that I add to the project window. The

2019-05-02 10:28:34 -0500 commented answer shortening the path names in the project tree window

I've just clarified the question

2019-05-02 10:28:12 -0500 edited question shortening the path names in the project tree window

shortening the path names in the project tree window I have a bunch of directories that I add to the project window. The

2019-05-02 10:28:12 -0500 received badge Editor (source)
2019-05-02 10:25:04 -0500 commented answer shortening the path names in the project tree window

the problem I described happens with "View as Tree" selected.

2019-05-02 09:05:05 -0500 received badge Student (source)