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2021-09-24 22:12:23 -0500 received badge Popular Question (source)
2021-09-24 22:12:23 -0500 received badge Famous Question (source)
2021-09-24 22:12:23 -0500 received badge Notable Question (source)
2021-05-18 16:00:51 -0500 commented answer Rewrap text

That sounds great! My trial will expire in a few days and I plan on purchasing a non-commercial perpetual license. Will

2021-05-18 09:43:31 -0500 commented answer Rewrap text

Great! Do you have an ETA for

2021-05-18 07:20:50 -0500 marked best answer Is it possible to add a second Edge Marker and wrap docstring?

PEP 8 suggests statement lines should be limited to 79 characters and lines with comments and docstrings to 72 characters. In Preferences > Editor > Line Wrapping I can set a single Edge Marker that shows where that column is in the editor. There's also a setting Reformatting Wrap Column that can be set to a value different from the Edge Marker. So at first, I thought I'm out of luck, either my code will be wrapped at column 72 or my docstrings will be wrapped at column 79. But then came the surprise, the docstrings weren't wrapped. I mean they weren't wrapped at all. I had to do that manually.

Is there a way to turn on docstring wrapping at a user-configurable column? And if there's none, is it possible to add a second Edge Marker to have at least a visual crutch?

2021-05-17 16:18:07 -0500 commented question Is it possible to add a second Edge Marker and wrap docstring?

I have auto-formatting turned on and triggered by saving the file, that's why I was surprised it didn't format docstring

2021-05-17 16:02:46 -0500 received badge Supporter ( source )
2021-05-17 16:00:56 -0500 marked best answer Rewrap text

What is the command for Source > Rewrap text? I want to assign a hotkey to it (besides the obvious Alt+s, w on Windows) but couldn't find the command.

2021-05-17 16:00:56 -0500 received badge Scholar ( source )
2021-05-17 16:00:53 -0500 commented answer Rewrap text

Good idea, I definitely wouldn't guess that one. Thanks for the hint!

2021-05-17 14:36:36 -0500 asked a question Rewrap text

Rewrap text What is the command for Source > Rewrap text? I want to assign a hotkey to it (besides the obvious Alt+s,

2021-05-17 13:58:36 -0500 commented question Is it possible to add a second Edge Marker and wrap docstring?

Very strange things happen. I thought that having the auto-formatting set to Whole Files Before Save would format the wh

2021-05-17 13:56:53 -0500 commented question Is it possible to add a second Edge Marker and wrap docstring?

Very strange things happen. I thought that having the auto-formatting set to Whole Files Before Save would format the wh

2021-05-15 11:05:17 -0500 received badge Student (source)
2021-05-15 11:04:52 -0500 asked a question Is it possible to add a second Edge Marker and wrap docstring?

Is it possible to add a second Edge Marker and wrap docstring? PEP 8 suggests statement lines should be limited to 79 ch