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Chris Curvey's profile - activity

2024-11-05 05:29:49 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2024-11-05 05:29:49 -0600 received badge Notable Question (source)
2024-10-28 05:54:00 -0600 answered a question Visually distinguish/protect files in site-packages?

If you can distinguish the files that are in site-packages, it would be great to identify them in the exceptions tool.

2024-10-03 05:34:49 -0600 received badge Enthusiast
2024-10-03 05:02:01 -0600 received badge Popular Question (source)
2024-10-02 07:04:04 -0600 commented question pipenv with .env file?

Down the rabbit hole we go! When I'm using the code outside of Wing, I enable the environment using pipenv shell. (No

2024-10-01 10:24:02 -0600 received badge Commentator
2024-10-01 10:24:02 -0600 commented question pipenv with .env file?

in my .env file, i have DATABASE_URL=export DATABASE_URL=postgres://myuser:mypass@localhost:5436/mydb If I run this s

2024-09-29 08:53:26 -0600 asked a question pipenv with .env file?

pipenv with .env file? I use pipenv with PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT = 1, so my "activate" file lives at /home/chris/myproj/.

2024-09-23 16:04:04 -0600 marked best answer block-select modifier key?

is there a modifier or key sequence to put wing (Default keybindings) into "block select" mode?

for example, I want to highlight and remove all the DEBUG: marks from the following log

DEBUG:    "favorite ide" : "Wing"
2024-09-23 16:03:59 -0600 received badge Notable Question (source)
2024-09-23 16:03:59 -0600 received badge Popular Question (source)
2024-08-13 12:38:07 -0600 asked a question block-select modifier key?

block-select modifier key? is there a modifier or key sequence to put wing (Default keybindings) into "block select" mod

2024-07-21 09:38:53 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2024-05-24 07:16:52 -0600 marked best answer block comments and Black

has anyone found a block comment style that "Plays nice" with the Black formatter? Every time I comment out a block of code while debugging, Black does nasty and inconsistent things with the indentation of that block.

This seems more like a Black issue than a Wing issue (why is it reformatting comments anyway), but I thought I'd see if anyone else in the community has solved this.

2024-05-24 07:16:46 -0600 received badge Notable Question (source)
2024-05-05 10:14:51 -0600 received badge Popular Question (source)
2024-04-07 08:58:33 -0600 asked a question block comments and Black

block comments and Black has anyone found a block comment style that "Plays nice" with the Black formatter? Every time

2023-12-04 07:19:48 -0600 answered a question Automatic python module header

let's see... If I make my snippet look like this: __author__ = "%(MYNAME||$(USERNAME))s" I can't quite figure out whe

2023-12-04 06:22:19 -0600 answered a question Automatic python module header

I think what you're looking for is "every time I create a new python file, populate it with a standard template." That

2023-04-25 09:25:14 -0600 received badge Popular Question (source)
2023-04-25 09:25:14 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2023-04-25 09:25:14 -0600 received badge Notable Question (source)
2022-05-05 09:56:29 -0600 received badge Nice Question (source)
2022-05-05 09:34:46 -0600 marked best answer search in selected -> 0 matches in 0 files

I'm having a recurring problem with Wing across lots of versions (since v6) and lots of projects. (And on lots of different computers).

I go into the Project tool, right click on a directory, and choose "Search In Selected". Then I will search for a string.

But sometimes the string (which I know exists) will not be found. And if I look at the top of the search-in-files tool, it will say "Found 0 matches in 0 files".

If I go back to the Project tool and choose the parent directory of where I was searching...voila, it finds everything I was looking for.

Am I the only one having this problem?

2022-04-30 09:24:46 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2022-03-15 00:15:01 -0600 received badge Notable Question (source)
2022-03-15 00:15:01 -0600 received badge Famous Question (source)
2022-03-15 00:15:01 -0600 received badge Popular Question (source)
2022-01-31 05:23:18 -0600 received badge Notable Question (source)
2022-01-27 20:51:52 -0600 marked best answer django shell and wingdbstub

my current client runs scripts against their Django site using this pattern

 $ python shell <

If I put this in my script file

import wingdbstub
print("Hello World!")

and set a breakpoint at "print", I see that Wing switches into debug mode, but it does not stop at the breakpoint.

Any known issues with trying to use this pattern?

UPDATE: strange...if I have more advanced code in there, and it raises an exception, Wing stops at the exception...but still does not respect the breakpoint.

UPDATE 2: I think I see what's happening. Because the script itself is just "stdin" (due to the redirect), the "import wingdbstub" gets run, but then there no knowledge of what's in the script itself.

2022-01-26 10:28:53 -0600 edited question django shell and wingdbstub

django shell and wingdbstub my current client runs scripts against their Django site using this pattern $ python manag

2022-01-26 10:14:57 -0600 edited question django shell and wingdbstub

django shell and wingdbstub my current client runs scripts against their Django site using this pattern $ python manag

2022-01-26 10:10:36 -0600 asked a question django shell and wingdbstub

django shell and wingdbstub my current client runs scripts against their Django site using this pattern $ python manag

2022-01-24 10:16:41 -0600 marked best answer pep8 reformatter configuration?

I seem to recall that Wing delegates reformatting to an outside executable (pep8, black, yapf, etc) , and that there's a configuration panel for the reformatters, but I can't find it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


TL;DR - can we change the autopep8formatter to respect the new binary operator + line break recommendations:

Long Version:

My organization requires code to pass a pycodestyle check before being accepted. But Wing sometimes seems to be reformatting some bits of code like:

    if (
        val is None
        or not val.isdigit()
        or int(val) <= 0


    if (
        val is None or
        not val.isdigit() or
        int(val) <= 0

And then pycodestyle complains about

./src/dashboard/ W504 line break after binary operator

The "sometimes" part is interesting. After the reformatting, pycodestyle complains about two blocks of code. If I fix the first block, save, and check, the first block is not reformatted, and then pycodestyle only complains about the second block. But when I fix the second block, the first block is reformatted, and pycodestyle complains again. If I edit BOTH blocks of code and then hit save, neither one is reformatted

Now that I look into it, the docs say that

Wing uses its own copy of autopep8 for PEP 8 style formatting

And if I dig into the docs for autopep8, it apparently depends on pycodestyle itself!

2022-01-18 13:07:34 -0600 received badge Popular Question (source)
2022-01-12 09:40:38 -0600 edited question pep8 reformatter configuration?

pep8 reformatter configuration? I seem to recall that Wing delegates reformatting to an outside executable (pep8, black,

2022-01-12 09:19:16 -0600 received badge Editor (source)
2022-01-12 09:19:16 -0600 edited question pep8 reformatter configuration?

pep8 reformatter configuration? I seem to recall that Wing delegates reformatting to an outside executable (pep8, black,

2022-01-07 06:51:32 -0600 asked a question pep8 reformatter configuration?

pep8 reformatter configuration? I seem to recall that Wing delegates reformatting to an outside executable (pep8, black,

2021-10-11 12:14:17 -0600 marked best answer Remote debugging on Heroku

For today's adventure, I'm going to try setting up remote debugging on a Heroku dyno. If anyone has gotten this to work (or determined that it will not work), I'd love to hear about it.

So here's what I've found so far.

I found instructions on SSH tunneling to my dyno at Heroku does not permit a straight "ssh" command, but it does have a command to set up port forwarding from the local host to the dyno. (heroku ps:forward). It does not look like that command also sets up the reverse tunnel :(

So I think the set of steps that I will need is:

  1. Set a value for kSecurityToken in my
  2. Add to my git repository, so that it gets pushed with the rest of my deployment
  3. Set up the appropriate DNS & Firewall rules so that the dyno can open a connection to my development host

Do I need to add some base level of Wing code (the "remote" stuff) into my git repo so that it gets installed on the dyno?

2021-10-11 12:14:10 -0600 received badge Notable Question (source)
2021-10-05 06:36:53 -0600 received badge Popular Question (source)
2021-09-30 11:44:50 -0600 commented question Remote debugging on Heroku

hmm...I'm trying to make sure I can make this work locally before I add the remote complication. Put "import wingdbs

2021-09-30 10:50:40 -0600 commented question Remote debugging on Heroku

okay, so how would I do that? Is it add "import wingdbstub" somewhere in my server code where it gets processed on st

2021-09-30 07:49:00 -0600 asked a question Remote debugging on Heroku

remote debugging on Heroku For today's adventure, I'm going to try setting up remote debugging on a Heroku dyno. If any

2021-09-22 09:19:09 -0600 marked best answer how to clear file magnification (aka zoom) settings?

Wing does a nice job of remembering what my "zoom" settings were for each file in my project. Very slick.

But of course, I'm never satisfied! Is there a way for me to say "clear all the zoom settings for the different files and just go back to whatever is set in my preferences?"

2021-09-13 17:44:05 -0600 commented answer how to clear file magnification (aka zoom) settings?

I'm just looking for a way to say, "I got a new monitor and now none of my zoom settings make sense, so let's make every

2021-09-12 16:04:20 -0600 asked a question how to clear file magnification (aka zoom) settings?

how to clear file magnification (aka zoom) settings? Wing does a nice job of remembering what my "zoom" settings were fo